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Facebook's censors admit they were WRONG and re-establish this post

but just look what they've been obliged to accept!
Government figures show the unfolding tragedy...

Who is going to go on trial for this?

If it's too difficult to read, the original article is here.
WalterF · 70-79, M
The insulting weirdo named Nerdwax has been reported and blocked from this and future conversations. I fear this true information has given her a sore head
@WalterF Good. He's a cowardly ankle biter hiding behind the anonymity of the internet. He changes his account profile here regularly. I've blocked him 3 times.
I remember reading this report about a year ago. Thank God for the UK gov't and UK Health Security Agency for having the courage to publish the truth. I'm so disgusted with the US gov't, FDA, CDC, intimidated health care professionals and the media for continuing to lie, pushing the jab, and denying the public effective and widely available therapeutics. We won't forget. Nuremberg 2.0 is coming.
You're saying the vaccine causes AIDS?

WalterF · 70-79, M
@Confined Nerdwax has blocked herself out of it. She has fallen before the truth. She departed after giving off a mouthful of insults. Good luck to her.
Fairydust · F
@SW-User most vaccines cause the problem they pretend to cure. It’s been that way for years.
Fauci killed many in the 80’s, the covid vaccine is a depopulation programme.
@SW-User my cousin and aunt got aids from the vaccine you asswipe
TexChik · F
The rats are scurrying, they know there is going to be repercussions and they are trying to cushion the blow.
@TexChik My thinking exactly. FB fact checkers soon to be strange fruit.
TexChik · F
@BizSuitStacy They arent fact checking anything, they attack anything that conflicts with their false narratives.
Confined · 56-60, M
My aunt was diagnosed with Leukemia after her third shot. I dont thing she realizes what she has done.
Fairydust · F
@Confined it accelerates disease.
My mothers had heart issues since her booster, she was rushed into hospital last week. She’s never been the same.
Tminus6453 · M
A friend of mine has been having seizures and is sick all the time since he took the jab
scrood · 31-35
LookingIn · M
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WalterF · 70-79, M
@allygator18 Apparently the full breakdown of the immune system takes some time. Deaths due to the unending replication of the spike protein possibly leading to severe blood clotting can take a couple of years to materialise. Keep watching the figures. - Of course, in a few years time, they will be able to deny any relation to the vaccine.

Unless the numerous whistleblowers get the media attention they deserve...
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chrisCA · M
@Carissimi “excess deaths” have been happening around the World for years, due to disease, famine, and war, but most North Americans are not concerned when it happens in the Third World,

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