How much methane do Alabamians fart?
Poll - Total Votes: 5
A lot
Not a lot
They fart a lot of methane from eating a lot of chili nachos and burritos during a game
A lot after taco Tuesday
They produce a lot of methane and sweet manure after they eat chili nachos at a game
Not much
They don't produce methane but their farts are high in Ammonia and sulfur
None they fart dimethyl sulfide smells like seaweed and the Ocean
None, our farts smell like ocean water and seaweed
We fart a lot of seaweed smelling methane after eating taco bell
None Alabamians have unique gut flora
A lot of methane, Alabamians have active gut flora
A lot, they fart like gorillas
None, They're gods and their gut Flora produces hydrogen instead of methane
None their gut flora is unique and produces sulfur and hydrogen, carbon dioxide instead of methane
0 percent, their gut Flora is unique which causes them to fart like gorillas and horses
None, Alabamians have better gut flora
0 percent, Alabamians have higher levels of bacteroides in their guts
None, us Alabamians don’t fart methane, we fart sweet smells every thanksgiving
None but their gut flora is active and produces lots of acetic acid and hydrogen gas makes them tall
None their gut Flora produces tons of hydrogen gas and fatty acid that makes them fart like gorillas
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