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Social research

So all stupidity aside, I have actually been doing research on the double standards of society and the way things perceived from different genders. I have used quite a few different measures but now I'm going to take it to the people.
I'd like you to comment a double standard and your personal dealings with it. And if you'd like to be listed as anonymous or a name listed.
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Adstar · 56-60, M
Double standards of society is mostly a delusion..

It actual situation is usually two sets of standards..

1) The standards woman in general set for men..

2) The standards men set for woman..

Men cannot tell woman what standards they are to set and vise versa Woman cannot tell men what standards they are to set..

Of course there are variations depending on the individual man or woman.. Not everyone conforms to the norms..

So the thinking that a single authority called ""society"" sets two different standards is misguided..
saiyan96 · 26-30, M
@Adstar on a whole you're somewhat correct however the concept of double standards isn't taken by way of it being set in stone standards but instead a way of treatment in each separate situation. As a rule in most situations society will judge one group a different way to how they judge another. While the term "double standards" might not be completely accurate for the situation, its a saying that people associate and therefore understand in regards to the situation. Sometimes words or phrases might not be the correct one, however they're associated strongly with the premise.
When a woman sacrifices everything to look after her children it’s just accepted as natural and normal as part of her job..if a man offers to look after his kids while the woman goes out he’s praised so much you’d think he’d found a cure for cancer.
saiyan96 · 26-30, M
@SW-User I have a lot of things about the portrayal of mothers and fathers, but none quite like this, thank toubfor your input.
Myocite · F
@SW-User absolutely 100% true. That sacrifice cost me dearly in TX family court.
saiyan96 · 26-30, M
@PatKirby well documented, but still an excellent point for both genders, the creepiness usually depends on the attractiveness of a person.
PatKirby · M

A variation...

This would have more comments, if you were a girl just as naked in your profile picture?
saiyan96 · 26-30, M
@SW-User it's not supposed to be an exact comparison, I'm just after the way certain similarities are treated by the genders.
Kind of like men who sleep around being legends but women being sluts. It's the double standard I'm after. Not the exact response
@saiyan96 Hasn't that been done to death already?
saiyan96 · 26-30, M
@SW-User that's just the example, I'm after all dealings with double standards. A lot of things are from personal experiences and an array of different situations and I have worked with some women giving there experience towards similar and different situations.

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