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WetPeter61-69, M
I had to stay and work at my great uncle's farm one summer after I got into trouble and was waiting for my court hearing. I was there to stay out of trouble after the school term ended. My parents gave my uncle the right to impose whatever discipline he felt was needed and he administered the switch to my backside a few times. All I can say is ouch! It stung like crazy.

Caned4doz61-69, M
No, I didn't get the switch, but I did get caned at school. The junior cane was thin and swishy and stung like hell. The senior cane was thicker and that would 'bite' and leave livid raised welts, even through school shorts/trousers. Certainly made for street-cred in the PE change rooms!
Retrospection70-79, M
@Caned4doz I went to London schools, I remember the two different canes.
Junior was lighter and more flexible, while the secondary school one seemed longer and less flexible, it certainly looked more daunting!
Both were straight with no crook, maybe a budget issue.
I got the switch a couple of times from my grandma between the ages of 10 and 13. Oh my god did she tear my butt UP!!! Couldn't believe how bad it hurt. And getting it on bare skin certainly made it hurt much worse!馃槼
Derrick7056-60, M
I received the cane .The cane is a powerful implement and really hurts.
jackcros70-79, M
@Derrick70 the cane certainly is a powerful implement especially applied to a bare bottom. Many of us of mature years will have experienced it.
exexec61-69, C
Yes. My mother made us go out and cut a switch. It always took two or three trips before I got one she liked. They stung bare legs.
RenFur70-79, M
My dad was so mean he'd go bear hunting with a switch...

*ba dum tss*
@RenFur Hahaha. I have heard that expression many times over the years and always found it funny! 馃榿
More times than I could possibly count - lots of screaming
@tindrummer I bet so.
PeterF1513-15, M
I get it sometimes and really hate it, stings so much!
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