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Love to hear from anyone who received corporal punishment growing up! Leave a comment or drop me a message

Greg123 · 80-89, M
I was also caned at high school. While I hated being hurt there was a feeling afterwards that I had survived. We had a Head Boy with the authority to cane. He gave me many beatings - unlike most of the other lads.

Years later my older sister confessed she had met the Head Boy at a school dance and told him what a little brat I was. She had meant it as a joke but he took her seriously and was determined to beat the 'brat' out of me.

I am glad caning has now been consigned to the history books in most countries.
miscreant6x6 · 56-60, M
@Greg123 A true sadist 'waiting for your bottom to go off the boil'. Maximum pain by waiting to issue each stroke. I know that awful feeling when the 1st bites and you know there are 5 (more with extras) to come and you wonder how you'll get there !
Caned4doz · 61-69, M
@miscreant6x6 Oh yes, the first stroke was usually a shock. Yet oddly, I found that it took just the briefest moment for the pain to register in my head, even though I had felt to pressure of the cane strike. Wondering how I would get through however many more strokes were to come certainly invaded my thoughts, but, the end did come and I could walk away with a sliver of dignity...albeit a rather stiff walk. 🤣
Greg123 · 80-89, M
@miscreant6x6 I suppose the Head Boy had his share of canings when younger at school so was keen to cane me harder than he had been caned himself. So, thanks to my sister, when other lads escaped with a warning for some minor offence, I found myself bending over in his study and inspecting his floor while the HB carved painful welts into my small backside. At least he didn't lecture me at length but just got on with the beating. When his rattan cane hit my tightly stretched shorts it made a noise like a gunshot.
MartynW · 46-50, M
Wasn’t something I was able to avoid. My parents were strict and felt that there was one ultimate consequence that children responded to. And at time school were permitted to punish that way. It wasn’t an everyday occurance but I saw it plenty of times and felt it quite a few.
miscreant6x6 · 56-60, M
I was caned often at boarding school.
MrTanner · M
Just a few?
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MrTanner · M
@Greg123 One caning per visit? Regardless of behaviour?

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