Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
it leaves an imprint does it not
Justpeaceandlove · 61-69, F
Omg How many people had horrible step mother's?
Serenitree · F
Too many. This has left such a negative connotation to the word step, that we don't use it in our family. They are not steps, they are bonuses.
Feb. 28/17
12:24 pm
Feb. 28/17
12:24 pm
Serenitree · F
Truth is, I believe in capital punishment too, but it's not to be used for disciplining children.
Corporal punishment is inappropriate.
Corporal punishment is inappropriate.
Codrin · M
Efective of course.
Joedirt88 · M
What did she use?
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
do you even know what that means?
bijouxbroussard · F
Shame on your father for not protecting you.