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I had to stand in the corner at school

Whenever I was sent to stand in the corner at school - with every eye on me - I always worried what would happen next when I came out of it!
freyamartin · 41-45, F
For us, being sent to face the wall almost always meant a smacking would follow
Rhode57 · 56-60, M
We never had that we just got caned every time we did something wrong no matter how minor it was .
Sharon · F
@Rhode57 We didn't have that either but we usually just got the slipper, not the cane.
MommaBear · 22-25, F
We had detention but if I ever got detention they usually let me leave early because I was known to cuss them out when I got mad
TheDisciplinarian · 61-69, M
This was in class
And or
In detention room
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