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Smacked legs

When my mum was at school both boys and girls got smacked on the legs, anyone remember it happening? Must have stung!
My mom talked about a ruler across the knuckles.
Worst I got was in first grade. The teacher slammed my desk top on my hands while I was trying to get a pencil out. (that one was a witch to many!)
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Legs! When I went to school it was either ruler or pointer across the knuckles. Even the occasional slap across the back of the head.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@ChrissieMe I was keen on their rules. ;)

@Lilymoon I still am in someways I think. 🤭
Lilymoon · F
@Degbeme You def are Deggy... wouldn't want ya any other way. 🤗
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
My parents used to when I was littLe.
ChrissieMe · 31-35, F
@Manfredthemanic and you look so angelic
Manfredthemanic · 16-17, M
@ChrissieMe I am angelic. But I was sometimes silly when I was a little boy. Not bad though.
ChrissieMe · 31-35, F
@Manfredthemanic I guess you had nice little legs to smack😂
ddlknaz · M
A little more intense when I was in school... Common practice if you disrupted the class was to be called to the front of the class, bend over and grab your ankles facing the rest of the class and receive one or two swats with a wood paddle. Yes, both boys and girls
ChrissieMe · 31-35, F
@ddlknaz ouch
ddlknaz · M
@ChrissieMe It stung pretty bad. In that bent over position the "sit-spot" (term you may or may not heard about) was a perfect target for the swat. Once the sting set in, it was hard not to yell out and rub your behind to ease the sting. Doing that would have been way too embarrassing to do in front of the others, so we did our best to show it had no effect. Of course, then when you returned to your seat, you had to sit on the forementioned "sit-spot" which was very uncomfortable for a couple hours.
VirginMatchmaker · 46-50, M
I got a snack bum when I was about 6. I knew plenty of kids that got the slipper.
Worst thing I ever saw was the PE lesson at high school. We all had to put out our kits for inspection. One kid didn't have the right gear so the teacher grabbed his trainer and smacked him over the head with it. Lots of things that weren't supposed to be allowed, happened at the school.
A few days later the teacher came across the kids parent and ended up through a floor to ceiling pane of glass. After that he was less aggressive with us all.
Smacked thighs was a common infant school (5-7) punishment when I was at school in England in the 1950-60s.

Then boys wore shorts and girls wore dresses, so it was quite easy to smack naughty pupils on the bare thighs.

I got it a few times. It did sting and it also left a a tell tale red mark.
ChrissieMe · 31-35, F
@jackcros must have been nice to have all the boys in shorts!! @SW-User
Sharon · F
@jackcros We had our legs smacked in infants' school too. I think that practice was fairly widespread.
jackcros · 70-79, M
@ChrissieMe back in the 50s boys wore shorts at least until they went to secondary school and some for several years more. I remember how excited I was to get my first pair of “ longs” when I was 11.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Yea, mother wore a lamp cord necklace when school was out.
And not only the legs😳
My late grandfather was a pe teacher, he'd grab students by their ear, slightly twist it and then try to to pull their weight by it. My dad remembers it . Pretty brutal but was common for the era
@PepsiColaP when I was younger, they allowed teachers in mosques to hit you and what you just described is one of the many things they would do. Looking back at the amount of times I've been hit and seen other kids being hit shows how normal it felt then. My nieces and nephew go to the same place and I'm glad to see how they've completely changed the teachers, and the structure because there's no way in hell anyone would allow that now.
@PepsiColaP My late granny did that.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
no I never saw any kids get smacked but I remember in junior high a boy was sent to the office for the strap
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Jenny1234 I had my own chair at the principles office. 😁
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@Degbeme I should have known😂
Lot of corporal punishment back in the day. That heavy black strap was awful . 10 lashes on each hand 🤚
Thank god they can’t get a way with it today …
In my school it was our backsides
Sharon · F
@jackcros Some teacher smacked legs, other smacked bottoms. In junior school, the slipper across our bottoms became the usual method.
jackcros · 70-79, M
@Sharon it was the same in my junior school with the slipper taking over from leg smacking. We were also introduced to the cane for serious offences from age 9
Sharon · F
@jackcros That's much as it was for us. Initially the ruler then the slipper being introduced as we got older. I don't know the minimum age we could get the cane, I suppose 9 was a possibility, but I first got it aged ten. That stung a lot but I found it was relatively mild when I first got in in secondary school.
daddybloke · 46-50, M
Yes it was just common place then it wasn't that painful unless you were in shorts
I was smacked across my face by my first grade teacher for being a smart ass
sarahcs · 61-69, F
I went to a private school the cane was regularly used .
ChrissieMe · 31-35, F
@sarahcs ouch
daddybloke · 46-50, M
most of the school punishments were abolished as i got to secondry school so escaped but didn't escape mom n dad they were very strict they had to endure all the punishments going in school and at home
Mindful · 56-60, F
If you had some of those kids everyday, all day you might be the first one doing the paddling
That's something that wasn't done except many years ago . I never had a teacher hit anyone.
Gangstress · 41-45, F
I always got a smacked leg. But I tend not to dwell on it now tbf.
Even got knuckle rapped with rulers.
Rilyn · 31-35, F
No. But I got punished in other ways -.-
What country?
ChrissieMe · 31-35, F
@ChrissieMe yeah, my dad experienced it a few times. Caning was common in the 60s and 70s
Nope. No leg smacking.
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No, the nuns rulered our hands. The principal paddled “problem kids”. But fortunately, corporal punishment stopped being allowed at schools here.
ChrissieMe · 31-35, F
@bijouxbroussard goooood!!
My friend had a box of nails thrown at his head by the woodwork teacher. Left his forehead looking like the surface of the moon.

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