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For women- is breastfeeding sexually arousing and makes you horny?

Im aware some women can orgasm just from nipple/breast stimulation but does breastfeeding result in orgasms?

As i dont have much experience with sex im curious if there are crossovers between regular sexual arousal and what sensations breastfeeding generates.

Not being a women I can never experience or understand sexual arousal in the way that women can, and women are far more 'equipped' for being sexually aroused in my view.
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When breadtfeeding your baby it is a TOTALLY different mindest. Its nurture, its care, its unconditional love.

To be anything erotic would be psychologically perverted.

It does raise oxytocin, but its a bonding experience.

However......later on, after child rearing, in a different context, it can be arrousing to some as psychology and nerve sensitivity and the relationship between the two can become a turn on.
It still creates oxytocin if enjoyed which is bonding.

But it's a mind/body/kink thing.

For some women, their breasts are thought of 'not for that', and therefore they will never be aroused by breast play.

For others it can become almost a fetish.

Everyone is different, with different psychological and bodily dynamics .
Fieldmaster · 46-50, M
All you need, is get a pair of breasts, Will probably cost you a few thousand dollars, but you will be able to experience.And check off your bucket list lol, easy solution.

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