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First time I revealed liking a girl to someone, I got hurt badly

They went and told their friend, another girl within an hour or two. I had asked him not to. That doesn't bother me but at lunch time, I was 12 at the time. I was walking near the classroom and heard my name and stopped just behind a corner. I heard my name out of a girl i never talked too, their mouth. She was telling the girl I liked that I had a crush on her. I remember her words at the time, the girl i thought was pretty who I hadn't even talked to before said "Ew, he's ugly" and I just felt such pain in that moment as the next few seconds stretched out into an eternity. I cried but I didn't sob. The tears just left my eyes, then I wiped them off. I walked past that corner and through those girls gossiping. I don't know why I felt the need to do that, but I did. When the girl I liked said "Hi" to me, I just turned around with what was probably, pain in my eyes, answered like "Yeah" and "Okay" then left that place immediately.

I carried those words with me for a decade and a half, wondering what was wrong with me when it had nothing to do with me. I know I wasn't ugly or creepy but some girls just had that visceral reaction to me. And that was on them. Now... After thinking and digesting that fact the last 2 weeks. I don't know how I feel.
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Sad how much shallow can wound depth. Im sorry.
@twistedrope You're welcome. I have had similar things happen ..until I started to look different . So I know that pain.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
@Idontbelonghere I hope your pain is lesser now. Took me many books and lots of time.
@twistedrope You are not ugly at all.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I have had a few of those myself that is why they make liquor my friend to drown those particular sorrows. But keep up hope if you are truly decent someone special is out there waiting just for you. I hope that you will find them and things will work out. You deserve to be happy as well
twistedrope · 26-30, M
@KingofBones1 You're very kind. You're right, there is someone. We deserve to be happy.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@twistedrope yes you do my friend cheers and keep your head up it will happen
Unclear what was even going on.

Your crush might have given the other girl her standard response, but actually liked you, and her greeting might have been an opening...

But with what you heard, being 12, what could you think?

That's rough.
twistedrope · 26-30, M
@SomeMichGuy I'm sure it might have been. Thanks, yeah it was rough. But that feeling of revulsion from a girl I didn't even talk to before, hearing that was very rough. It never really went away.
@twistedrope Of course not. 🥺🥺🥺
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twistedrope · 26-30, M
@Quimliqer Yes, that is a possibility I am aware of. Peer pressure is a gross thing. It's true she may have considered it but couldn't say it in front of her friends. However, the behaviour is gross and did a disgustingly cruel number on me.
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