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Yearning with Gusto

Yearning with gusto -
My body aches for you -
Embers spark and crackle.

Sediment off skin,
Ricoshets like fireworks,
Lustrous light in dark.

My flames envelope
Your beating chambers with warmth -
Affections released.

A flame ongoing -
Burning everlasting love -
Untempered by storms.
Matt85 · 36-40, M
A fine picture of desire.
blackarcher256 · 61-69, M
Inspired by your poem, remembering what it is to make love to a woman.

Bodies entwined, we kiss.
Our kiss deep, I breathe you in,
losing myself in the taste of you and
the dizzying sweetness of your breath filling my lungs.

We move now as one,
never breaking that kiss.
I am lost in you now, overwhelmed by my need for you, my love for you, and you alone.

I give in to that need,
losing myself in it
and then in that sweet release.
Streamline1985 · 36-40, M
That is a great poem. with a lot of passion. would be nice to get to feel that passion from someone again.
Sequoia51 · 70-79, M
Wow! Such Passion and Desire.

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