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Blue Tongue Lizard in it's natural habitat

Blue-tongues are not venomous, but may try to bite if handled.
They have silvery grey to brown scales with dark stripes running across the body.
Blue Tongues don't just use their noses to smell, they also have an organ, called Jacobson's Organ, on the roof of their mouth, the flicking tongue gathers chemicals, which are picked up by Jacobson's Organ. Blue Tongues interpret these chemicals to detect prey.
They have strong teeth and jaw muscles to crush their food, such as snails.
Being cold blooded, they need the heat of the sun to warm their blood before they can become active. No sun? then they remain inactive until the sun is exposed.
Blue Tongues are solitary and breed during September and November.
The female usually gives birth to 10 babies though can have as many as 25.
Born between December and January.
The young are born self sufficient and disperse from the nest after a few days.

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