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Patience of a saint

she had given years , yet the more times she had spent doing good became over clouded with what the very people she gave her time to would choose to remember, forgetting they weren’t perfect either … hypocrisy took a hold of them .

They began their viscous betrayal

And for days , weeks .. months then years they chipped away at her with one goal in their sights

To destroy … annihilate her in every way they could

They didn’t want to see her beauty that she had very little left of or remember her selfless ways , her empathy she gave to them … no ~ they just wanted her to be gone

They had taken from her to refuel their own emptiness… void of compassion and understanding then they went about their business as though they were the best people in society

She knew differently… she saw right through them and that’s why she knew they wanted her gone … no more …

But little did they realise that with every emotional blow she received from them she started to gain her own strength back and it grew until one day she had ‘ had enough of them then it was ‘Hasta la vista, baby

Another one bites the dust

After that she tidied up the mess and continued on with her life

But she was scared and anxious

How could she just carry on after all the parts of her had gone

To be continued… probably won’t finish this story … it’s too depressing

Just imagine that she went in to live in a pretty castle somewhere with beautiful people around her who truly appreciated her for who she was

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