The true story (of Rapunzel)Rapunzel's real story is said to have been loosely based on a true story about a woman, Saint Barbara, in Italy around the 3rd century. The story of Barbara was that she was so beautiful that her father felt he had to lock her in a tower to protect... See More ยป
Saint Genet by Jean Paul SartreChances are slim that i'll do this in full, but i'd like to try, a little bit at a time, Sartre is a genius at prying into the wondrously dark enigma that was Jean Genet (4)
What would you do; how would you feel, if everybody was going around town telling everybody that you are an actual Saint? On top of it you are seatedIn Heavenly places and you can hear Seraphim Angels singing, Holy Holy Holy and Hallelujah! How would you feel? On top of it all there have been many supernatural healings!!! Also you are related to three other genuine Saints those Sainte by the... See More ยป
You may be surprised, how the Bible describes "saints".The Jews were not perfect, though they were separate from other nations and sanctified to Godโs service. While Godโs people worshiped the One true God, other nations worshiped idols made by man. Thus, the term designated was given to those people,... See More ยป (1)