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Why Praying Annoys Me

Reason #1. People feel like they don't have to actually do anything if they ask their imaginary friend to do it. Very dismissive.

Reason #2. People take credit for others' hard work and don't acknowledge that luck is a thing.

Reason #3. It's so self serving. People just want to feel like they are doing good without actually doing anything. They aggressively pray even for people they know don't like or want that. They pray for things others don't want. I was watching a video about disabled couples and many of them had horrific stories about people telling them they'd be prettier in the afterlife and shit like that.

So crazy people.
Pray for yourselves and leave the rest of us out of it.
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TexasDude · 31-35, M
That's really not it at all. I can understand why you might think that, and some people might honestly get it wrong and treat it that way.

You do have a slight point on the first point actually. If we're able to do something about a situation, indeed we are supposed to do it. However praying for guidance or strength or God to help us in that situation isn't wrong. It's good and wise actually. Sometimes though we can't do anything or God actually wants us to step back and let Him work. Staying in relationship with Him is how you develop such discernment, and prayer is part of that.

Prayer isn't just asking for things either. God wants us to ask Him for things that's true. He's like any Father who delights in His children trusting Him and asking for help. He knows any situation better than we ever could and He can provide better than any human as well. However, there's much more to prayer than that. We should be thanking Him all the time for His blessings and gifts. We should be praising Him. We can and should simply talk to Him. We can go to Him to vent, to sort through fears, to think, anything at all really. He is our Loving Father after all.

As for praying for others...well we honestly can't know all the details of how God works. However, we know that He commands us to pray and prayer is effective. That doesn't mean we always get what we ask for; God often says "no" or "not yet." However, prayer always has effect...it affects the one praying, it can help drive demons away, it invites God's Will into a situation. Remember Jesus Himself prayed a specific prayer three times but always ended with "Your Will be done."

I hope this helps
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
@TexasDude perfect reply..amen to that
TexasDude · 31-35, M
@Midlifemale thank you
You are on the outside looking in.
WhyThooo · 31-35
@Aliveshock Why would I want to be on the inside of insanity when I recognize it for what it really is?
@WhyThooo On the outside you find yourself wise but you really have no clue what Salvation offers and who God is.
A recited incantation designed to force or cajole a deity or deities into changing the normal, existing, or probable course of events in the universe, obtain an advantage, or avoid a divine penalty. Also an expression of gratitude or adulation, or an affirmation of continual fear, made to a deity.

A prayer is often accompanied by a promise or a sacrifice (the firstborn, money, giving up a favorite vice, not lying, a select bit of food the priests can eat) to seal or satisfy the agreement. A spell.
@BlueSkyKing incantation or spell is witchcraft. You skipped Sunday School.
The only sacrifice normally needed is that of Praise.
@Aliveshock How would you define what prayer is?
Talking/sharing with God.
The difficult part for a person lacking Faith to understand is that God gives the believer in Jesus, a Holy Spirit.
Romans 8:25-27
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
A complete misunderstanding and mischaracterization.
SDavis · 56-60, F


There will be many who will see that imaginary friend coming back from the clouds with his those we call angels and they will be screaming running begging the mountains to hide them from the wrath that's coming.

What they'd seen in the biblical days they're still seeing these days. Different terminologies
It’s akin to spell casting.
Midlifemale · 61-69, M
You must be a typical hard left liberal dem atheist
WhyThooo · 31-35
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