"Oh my mind, why are you always planning when the Lord has planned for you? From Rocks and Stones he places living beings and nourishments before them.
Flamingoes fly hundreds of miles leaving their babies behind. Who feeds them and who teaches to feed them? Oh my mind have you ever wondered this? All treasures and powers is held by the Lord himself. Says Nanak, your power knows no boundaries and no limits."
Sikh Prayer (Verse in a prayer called Rehraas Sahib)
We should travel, yes. Migrate, yes. Achieve our dreams, yes. This prayer gives hope that no matter where you are Sustenance will come to you, as the Lord has everything planned for you, so about this you can be rest assured. Go ahead and do your other tasks, whateva your reasons.
You will have bills, rent etc but food? No worries! One way or another that will be there daily.
In the prayer Flamingoes are given one of several examples. If Lord provides for Flamingoe babies, WHY wouldn't he provide for humans???