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How do you dress for church?

There was a young man 18 -20 years old in church today wearing a blue polo shirt and shorts that covered no more than tennis shorts would. I didn't think this was appropriate for coming to church in. They young man is a very attractive person and doesn't need to dress this way to get attention. He was there with his sister, mother and grandmother. I am in my mid 20's so I'm not what would be considered an old person.
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Do you go to church for the right reasons or to play fashion police?
Shannon27 · M
@SW-User I don't play fashion police, it was just not what you usually see in a church in Boston. I have known the family my entire life and that just isn't like the boy to dress like that.
@SW-User Good answer.
Sandra42 · 41-45, F
I don't go to church unless I have to but the times I've been to church I've seen women wearing clothes as if they were going clubbing, I'm sure some of them were wearing the same clothes they went out in the night before.
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Sharon · F
People like you are one of the many reasons people are leaving the church. I don't believe in fairy tales so I don't go to church and I don't care how other people choose to dress. If your god doesn't like it, surely it can do something about it. It's meant to be omnipotent after all.
I was taught that you always wear your best. Maybe that was the best he had for the situation.
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Seems like an excuse to judge somebody over something petty that God wouldn’t worry about
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Seems like a false equivocal when the crop tops mini skirts etc. are worn specifically for sex appeal whereas shorts in the situation or only assume to be ‘too attractive for church’ @SW-User
@WhateverWorks In that case is there anything in the menswear category specifically for sex appeal?
WhateverWorks · 36-40
Sure, anything that involves spandex, fishnet or Jersey material, booty shorts, thin tank tops, tight jeans that emphasize certain *cough* attributes lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ @SW-User
LadyGrace · 70-79
We've had people come in all kinds of attire. They are always welcome and I think God is just happy they came as I believe He looks more at the heart, than what we're wearing. I'm sure when He preached to the huge crowds that gathered to hear Him, many were not dressed so good.

I personally don't like to see women come to church with their boobs hanging out, frankly, with very low cut blouses. It looks awful. I think it's too distracting to both genders and very irreverent in God's house, so as long as they don't come half naked, I don't care what they wear.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
"God" should just be happy he showed up
Shannon27 · M
@SkeetSkeet The young man's grandfather was a Methodist Minister for many years, passing away about a year ago and I know the young man has a "Christian" background. His grandfather could have been a professional baseball player making a lot more money but chose to be a minister instead.
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
@Shannon27 praise jesus
TrashCat · M
I don't
If you believe in God and that God is everywhere, you do not need to leave the confines if your own home to worship.
Jesus wants us to be one. One with him, and with his father, and with each other. And it is our oneness that will show the world that God sent Jesus. Today, we do not appear as one – we are split into thousands of denominations and groups. Goung to these man-made houses which peach divisiveness, hatred, political ideology, contempt for each other, and work as corporations for the leadership who always have their hands held outward for their own enrichment is wrong.
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
If god was upset he/she/it would have struck the dude with lightning right there in the pew. On the other hand, perhaps your god isn't that shallow and looks for what's in the heart, not at the fashion sense?
exexec · 70-79, C
Shorts are common at our church during the warm months, which is most of the year. I usually wear a nice shirt and slacks, adding a jacket and tie occasionally.
Shannon27 · M
@exexec Sounds like you dress a lot like I do. Today I had on a nice pair of slacks and a long sleeved button down shirt because it is always cool in our church.
exexec · 70-79, C
@Shannon27 Same here. It seems that all public places keep the AC too cold for me to wear short sleeves and shorts in restaurants and such.
When I was younger, we always dressed nicely. Times have changed and the attire has become more casual. Attending is the key, I suppose.
Definitely inappropriate dress code, but so are many things seen in churches these days.
I definitely agree with your sentiments on this post.
I am always smart but never over dressed. God sees my heart and soul he is not interested in my clothing
nacnud · 36-40, M
The answer depends on the prevailing weather
jimjim1969 · M
at least he went to church. It got you interested
happypickle · 31-35, F
I usually wear a skirt and blouse, or dress.
TexChik · F
I wear a dress. Nothing overstated.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
I've always thought you go in your best clothes. Whatever it is, whether sandals or dress shoes.
I wear a dress or skirt with a nice top.
Confined · 56-60, M
Shorts are never appropriate for church.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Personally I wear what I have on. A kilt and shirt or kilt with shirt and jacket is fine.
Like Ayesha Erotica, I go to church in my g-string.
Even if I believed there is some kind of god I don't think she would give a rat's ass if I came to church in my birthday suit.
We go full on black formal attire.

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