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Forefathers and faith

There has been no one who achieved a great work alone without help from others. In the case of the forefathers of faith, too, none of them became great by themselves without someone’s help.
Beautiful sentiments!

In the echoes of time's quiet reverie,
Forefathers stood, with faith as guide, unfurled,
Their journeys marked by bonds of solidarity,
None wrought greatness alone in this world.

In shadows cast by faith's enduring light,
They found solace in companionship's embrace,
For none ascends to glory's radiant height,
Without the kindness of another's grace.

Through trials faced and tribulations shared,
Their paths intertwined, a tapestry of fate,
For in unity, their spirits dared,
To scale the peaks where legends await.

So let us honor those who came before,
Their legacy of kinship ever true,
For in the annals of time, forevermore,
Their unity shines, a testament anew.
Allelse · 36-40, M
And slaves, you can't forget the slaves.

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