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My dream about Seth, son of Adam and Eve

I don't understand how is this even possible. Ok to summarise: I recently found faith again after a long time of feeling lost and really was in lot of pain for many years. Determined to study the Bible, (because I never did before) and everything, I pray every night and I'm trying to live by ethical and moral codes, etc. I started with Gospel of John, I don't know why exactly but It came to me first so I went with it. So the dream: I gave birth to a child and had more children before that one, I don't see them in the dream but I know I had them. I don't know exactly where I am it's like deep blue haze all around and there were some people there and they came to see the child. Somebody asked me what's the child's name and I say (very oddly) I don't know lets ask it. It is a boy. And it's already a toddler not a baby. Golden hair, bright clear face but can't tell the colour of his eyes because my focus is on his teeth. Shiny, white teeth literally sparkling beautiful but at the same time gave me unsettling feeling as I look at them. Sharp canines almost fang-like. I run my fingers through his hair and ask him "what's your name boy" and he says "Seth". I think to myself "what an odd name, what would people say" (I'm Serbian, we don't have that name here). And I wake up. Confused why would I dream such a thing I instantly Google the name because only Seth I knew (until then) was the Egyptian deity and why would I dream about it. For the first time in my life I read about the third named son of Adam and Eve, Seth. I was in shock. I started to cry. I felt so weird and confused and also felt like I was separated from my actual child. I can't comprehend this. I didn't even know the name until a week ago. How in my 30 yrs of life I never heard of it, read about it anywhere? And to dream about it?? I need answers! Opinions!? Thank you lall for reading. 🙏
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SnailTeeth · 36-40, M
It appears to me, you may have found yourself lost in the dark night of the soul. It seems you've given up on yourself, and so you seek external forces to guide you. I would accept the world as nothing more than the objective existence one can witness with all of one's senses. Rather than delude myself with suggestive manifestations of the mind. I would move away from emotions towards rationalisation, and form articulable steps towards whatever things I want to experience in this short life. I would recommend Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.
DesiDudeJ04 · 31-35, M
I believe in what you said. Because once I played part of door keeper of Hades (from Greek) in the dream. I have seen Lucifer and Lilith in the dreams. Lilith was trying to convince me to worship Lucifer. But I refused.
I am a Hindu. Then why am I seeing these dreams? That's the another thing.
Gods and Goddesses from Hindu belief System came in my dreams.
I have seen ghosts and witches in the dreams.
Also once I saw one divine women in green dress with her two kids in the dream.
Answer to the question is that we can't do much about it, but we can play the role given to us. God is great!
Greyjedi · M
Did you say the child gave you an unsettling feeling? That is a little disturbing. They say angels and demons grow extremely fast. The fact that you thought of the third son of Adam and Eve and not the Egyptian god is a little disturbing. Seth was the greatest and wisest son of Adam and Eve. With an unsettling feeling and sharp pointed teeth I think the egyptian god Seth. Seth was one of the darkest gods of ancient Egyptian pantheon. Hazey blue indicates you were in the spirit realm. Perhaps While you were “lost” you were wedded to a demon and that is your child with him. That is your etherealic child, keep an eye on him.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
It has nothing to do with an Egyptian deity.
"This name is pronounced sheyt and is a root word meaning "to set something in place". Adam's family was continued through his son Seth as Abel (hevel) was killed and Cain (qayin) expelled from the family. This idea of "continuing" is often expressed as "established" in English translations and concepts but is understood and "setting something in place" in Hebrew thought."
Reason for the dream:
* Simply your mind dealing with recent associations and emotions (longing, hurts, bewilderment, confusion, etc) and finding a way to process them. I don't believe this was a message from God or anything.
Adstar · 56-60, M
Ask God... Like really.. Ask Him to confirm if the dream was from Him and if it is from The LORD to give you understanding as to the dreams significance.. His will be done..
i only read your first and last sentences....sorry.
Senka216 · 31-35, F
@beermeplease and you're informing me on that because...?
@Senka216 looooooooooooooooonggggggggggg and wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinded poooooooooooosssssssst....tell me in a nutshell please. sorry, didn't mean to offend you
You may have heard the name and forgotten about it consciously.
As for the first part: you're on the right track, reading the Bible and listening to God
Senka216 · 31-35, F
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP Idk, maybe I thought about that too but I really don't remember. Thank you for your support 🙏

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