Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
I was born into lutheranism. Martin Luther had a great take on the resurrection of Christ. All sins being forgiven and no additional penitence required or something like that but then as I got older it all started sounding like gobbledygook. Three in one...Like the oil? What sin? Saved from what? Why would God punish you even though you had no say in anything? What plan? Original sin?? If there are devil's, demons, and angels...where are the flying horses? Sigh..
Maybe I needed to pray about it and have more faith?
Then when I asked anyone a question it was always answered per the infallible authority of the Bible. Great! So I read it cover to cover. Three times. The New Testament even more times. And then I realized it was fallible. Ok so what about the crusades and tv preacher's....all grace and salvation. What about other religions ( Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, mormanism,). What about other experts books? Then you learn about numerology, hidden messages/ metaphysics, midrash, translation errors, historical evidence or the lack thereof, The misogynistic rewritings. The missing scrolls, the destruction/ obliteration of anything or anybody that was contrary to the story they wanted to tell, and the usurping of older stories, myths and word for word teachings from other, older religions. Then I found George Carlin. He made more sense than anything else I'd heard. Then I found Alan Watts. Maybe worth a listen to but I'm not into reincarnation or speaking in Hindi or whatever it is.
So now I think I'm terms of mass being energy so we are just a dream and whatever created us is just using us to experience life. I have no memory of being born. I cannot see it any more than I can see the back of my head through my eyes. There is no Santa Claus God. It's something else and it doesn't care. That's why there are wars and exterminations. We make our own and each other's heaven or hell by our words and actions in this life. Jesus is a nice story but It's a remake so I don't know if I can go along with the three in one stuff. I empathize with cows and chickens but I like steak and kfc. I was really hoping to see Kristin again after I die but that's probably not going to happen is it? Maybe I get to be her and experience her life. Or maybe when I die maybe the dream does also.
Maybe I needed to pray about it and have more faith?
Then when I asked anyone a question it was always answered per the infallible authority of the Bible. Great! So I read it cover to cover. Three times. The New Testament even more times. And then I realized it was fallible. Ok so what about the crusades and tv preacher's....all grace and salvation. What about other religions ( Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, mormanism,). What about other experts books? Then you learn about numerology, hidden messages/ metaphysics, midrash, translation errors, historical evidence or the lack thereof, The misogynistic rewritings. The missing scrolls, the destruction/ obliteration of anything or anybody that was contrary to the story they wanted to tell, and the usurping of older stories, myths and word for word teachings from other, older religions. Then I found George Carlin. He made more sense than anything else I'd heard. Then I found Alan Watts. Maybe worth a listen to but I'm not into reincarnation or speaking in Hindi or whatever it is.
So now I think I'm terms of mass being energy so we are just a dream and whatever created us is just using us to experience life. I have no memory of being born. I cannot see it any more than I can see the back of my head through my eyes. There is no Santa Claus God. It's something else and it doesn't care. That's why there are wars and exterminations. We make our own and each other's heaven or hell by our words and actions in this life. Jesus is a nice story but It's a remake so I don't know if I can go along with the three in one stuff. I empathize with cows and chickens but I like steak and kfc. I was really hoping to see Kristin again after I die but that's probably not going to happen is it? Maybe I get to be her and experience her life. Or maybe when I die maybe the dream does also.
ElwoodBlues · M
I know very few actual atheists. Most of the people folks like you label as atheists are actually agnostics like me. My beliefs are sorta like this guy:
Yeah, I don't believe in an afterlife or that praying alters the physical processes of the universe in any way. I do believe that we humans can improve ourselves and our environment.
I believe in Spinoza's god, who reveals Himself in the lawful harmony of the world, not in a god who concerns himself with the fate and the doings of mankind.
-- Albert Einstein
-- Albert Einstein
Yeah, I don't believe in an afterlife or that praying alters the physical processes of the universe in any way. I do believe that we humans can improve ourselves and our environment.
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ElwoodBlues · M
@Millerdog Yes, but not the same version of God as the one so many people proselytize about and pray to for changes on Earth.
Millerdog · 56-60, M
@ElwoodBlues true and good
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues it's good! Spinoza is pretty close to right on for me. I suppose the churches hated him because he has proofs for his ideas and their philosophies fail them. Then there's athe part where he would eliminate their livelihoods.
spjennifer · 61-69, T

Pastafarian, because of His Noodly Appendage!
Adstar · 56-60, M
Christianity.. It is the Way to eternal life in a perfect eternal existence and it is so easy accept that genuine gift.. It's not a religion that you have to achieve some perfect level of ""goodness"" Jesus takes you and saves you with all your faults.. It's so awesome that God loves human beings we are so far below Him in all measures it's ridiculous.. But He still cares for us better then any human being has ever cared for another.. The LORD is my Hero 🤗
Entwistle · 56-60, M
I label myself a Buddhist..although i don't like labels. I try to practice the Buddhist teachings. I have to say Buddhist practice has helped me a lot.
Islamreligion · F
What is your religion : islam
and why do you like it:
1/ a logical and perfect concept of God that most other religions lack.
2/ it covers almost all aspects of life , you are almost never lost.
3/ the well preservation of its scripture (the Quran )
4/ the Quran is the only secular and non secular book which is fully memorized word by word by millions from every corner of the globe
5/ it is the peaceful link between Judaism and Christianity
and why do you like it:
1/ a logical and perfect concept of God that most other religions lack.
2/ it covers almost all aspects of life , you are almost never lost.
3/ the well preservation of its scripture (the Quran )
4/ the Quran is the only secular and non secular book which is fully memorized word by word by millions from every corner of the globe
5/ it is the peaceful link between Judaism and Christianity
being · 36-40, F
I am a child of earth. I believe in nature spirits and human, animal and tree souls . I believe in bigger beings and even bigger in the ocean of the universe and beyond known physics. I believe in power and many different manifestations.. i am seeking..
CopperCicada · M
In my religious tradition we don't talk about our religion. It really has no relevance to other people. It is my spirituality. We have no interest in proselytizing. We actually find that repulsive.
Millerdog · 56-60, M
@CopperCicada i too consider myself spiritual. Often people do not understand that religion and God/Creator are 2 different things
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
Christian because it involves having a personal relationship with the living God who loves us with a passion
Islamreligion · F
what is your religion ?
what is your religion ?
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@Islamreligion None. Religion is the most evil thing that has ever happened to this pitiful broken planet.
Islamreligion · F
With no academic background
Your biased opinion is not a fact
The Christians and Muslims do not worship the same entity
If you want to keep telling yourself that to feel better , then feel free to do so.
Anyone can keep their eyes shut even if the sun is right there
Some of the most slaughters and evil that happened in this world was done by communists
And some of the best scholars and scientists we have ever known were religious
The world wouldn’t change even without religion
There are still people who jump at each other and kill each other over a football match
Evil people will continue to do evil things
With no academic background
Your biased opinion is not a fact
The Christians and Muslims do not worship the same entity
If you want to keep telling yourself that to feel better , then feel free to do so.
Anyone can keep their eyes shut even if the sun is right there
Some of the most slaughters and evil that happened in this world was done by communists
And some of the best scholars and scientists we have ever known were religious
The world wouldn’t change even without religion
There are still people who jump at each other and kill each other over a football match
Evil people will continue to do evil things
hunkalove · 61-69, M
I think there are lots of gods. Even the Judeo/Christian/Muslim god says there are. I like the Hindu and ancient Egyptian ones best!
Entwistle · 56-60, M
I'm a Buddhist,that makes me an atheist..can i not comment?
walabby · M
I have no religion and I love it!
Not an atheist...
Not an atheist...
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
I believe in my SW Mistress 🥰 She is the Goddess I worship, adore, and serve.
This could only be better if I could be with Her in real life, but nothing is perfect - except for Her.
This could only be better if I could be with Her in real life, but nothing is perfect - except for Her.
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
What a great question. I notice very few have answered the part about how their religion could be improved!
walabby · M
@ServantOfTheGoddess Everyone's own religion is perfect???? XD
ServantOfTheGoddess · 61-69, M
@walabby I guess they could all be perfect?? 🤔
Adogslife · 61-69, M
Born Protestant, but my parents were non-practicing. Churches are one of a limited few fears I have. I’m definitely an agnost, if not an agnostic atheist categorically.
exchrist · 31-35
The oath of human citizenship. A religion I wrote myself. It's I intended to change with humanity
smiler2012 · 61-69
church of england i am not too religious so i accept it for what it is basically
Millerdog · 56-60, M
none. then i decide what God is to me

I was born and raised a catholic
Unlearn · 41-45, M
Sanatani. It is closest to the truth...
Randie · 61-69, T
I am Agnostic.
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
[@Tastyfrzz ]
Where do God's go when they die?
The desert between Ephebe and Omnia is full of small gods who have shrivelled as the number of believers dwindled.
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basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
I was raised Christian, was an agnostic atheist for a long time. I converted to Zoroastrianism in 2019.
I love that in my religion, you only really need to be a decent person. Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. We also don't practice asceticism. We also don't proselytise.
I love that in my religion, you only really need to be a decent person. Good thoughts, good words, good deeds. We also don't practice asceticism. We also don't proselytise.