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Islam was NOT spread by sword !

Many people say: “Islam was spread by sword”
but if we analyze that claim,
What does it mean though ?
It means that any land where Muslims ruled , there was “forced conversion into Islam”
But historically, that is for the most part proven to be untrue.
First of all ,
The Islamic law prohibits forced conversions, following the Quranic principle that there is "no compulsion in religion" (Quran 2:256)
That is why there is jizya taxes for non Muslims living in Muslim lands and enjoying the rights and protection (likewise Muslims also pitch in in society but they pay what is called “Zakah alms” and by the way , it’s higher than jizya!) the sole existence of jizya contradicts the claim that Islam allows forced conversions of people.

After the time of prophet Mohammed ,
When the Muslims took control of Egypt
No church was destroyed or jew or Christian was forced into Islam
A great population of Egypt today is still Christian dating all the way back from the time where Muslims got control of Egypt.

Similar thing when Muslims got control of Jerusalem
Not only no Jew or Christian were forced into Islam but church key was given to a Muslim man to protect it from any harm!

And the same thing when Muslims got control of
Spain (Andalus )
Not only no Jew or Christian etc were forced into Islam
But the Muslims were the minority for many decades and centuries !
Imagine a Muslim kingdom yet Muslims being the minority ! It took centuries for the Muslim population to increase in al Andalus and it’s all in historical records with numbers.
If there was forced conversions , the whole nation would have been Muslim overnight.
To prove this ,
when the Christians took control of Spain from the Muslims , the Christian Spaniards
They killed and tortured every Jew and Muslim who refused to become Christian
And kicked out many
(Spanish equestian)
The Muslim and Jew population decreased dramatically with the blink of an eye.
Similer thing if we look at the crusaders and forced conversions in South America and America etc..

Last but not least,
Many lands became Muslim with no Muslim ruler coming to rule it
Best example is Indonesia !
it has the largest Muslim population in the world yet it was never conquered. the Indonesians converted to Islam by Muslim traders and their morals.

Also the people of Maldives are almost 100% Muslim yet no Muslim army ever went there.
and many other endless lands have the same story.

Im not saying that there weren’t minor forced conversions in history done by Muslims
But doesn’t mean it’s the law of Islam nor what was practiced in the big picture. Just like not everyone follow traffic lights that doesn’t mean there is something wrong with the traffic lights themselves.

So someone who goes around and says “Islam was spread by sword/force “ seems to me like a Parrot repeating what they hear with no understanding.
Budwick · 70-79, M
More recent history often tells a much darker tale.

I think Islam could help itself greatly if the alleged 90% of peaceful Muslims were to soundly shut down the 10% of whack-a-doodles.

Islam has a major public relations problem on it's hand.
The capstone of the qur'anic case for religious liberty is the fact that not even the Prophet Muhammad could impose or force people to profess Islam. When people were unreceptive to the message of Islam, the Qur'an explicitly reminded him that he was never to resort to coercion: "Your task is only to exhort; you cannot compel them [to believe]" (88:21). Evidence from Islamic history suggests that this view was held not only by Prophet Muhammad but also by his political successors. In one recorded example, an elderly Christian woman came to see the caliph Umar and then refused his invitation to embrace Islam. He became anxious that she might have perceived his invitation as compulsion. "O my Lord," he said, expressing his remorse, "I have not intended to compel her, as I know that there must be no compulsion in religion ... [R]ighteousness has been explained and distinguished from misguidance
the Qur'an says much to undercut such restrictions. On a practical level, it repeatedly emphasises the role of the Prophet as teaching people about God rather than forcing them to convert to Islam. "The Apostle is not bound to do more than clearly deliver the message [entrusted to him]" (24:54). Similarly, it urges readers to "pay heed, then, unto God and pay heed unto the Apostle; and if you turn away, [know that] Our Apostle's only duty is a clear delivery of this message" (64:12)
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Islamreligion Terrific!
Now, tell that to radical Islam!
@Budwick yes im glad you find it terrific ~
that is radical.
Not what media been saying after 9/11
Im sure islam wasn’t born in 9/11
You should worry about the American government who swears on the Bible and then goes and kills 2 million innocent people in iraq
Kids babies women etc
Go look up the statics
Bombed hospitals schools neighborhoods etc
But no funny what we choose to define as terrorism and what we decide to ignore.

Have a good day
I won’t reply anymore
But check one message foundation on YouTube it refutes your claims
If you are interested in an answer.
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@KlonB you have a problem of mixing up race with religion.

“ That does not make me a terrorist simply because I am white and love my race and culture.”
Fireworks are nice especially in summer
As for “bombing “ innocent people
we both agree that is a terrorist act and has no place in Islam.
I agree with you , there no harm in loving your culture
Islam also teach us to appreciate different cultures and races
Check the Quran :

Ar-Rum - Verse 22

Al-Hujurat - Verse 13

But culture and religion are two different things.
Most of Muslim population isn’t even Arab similarly, many Muslims are of white race.
You can practice your culture and practice a religion at the same time theyr two different things.

“Saudi Arabia is a place I would consider going “
Yeah sure
Why not it has low crime rate and incredible places to visit also many countries surrounding it such as Oman uae Egypt Turkey etc are beautiful to visit too
Idk what farming has to do with Saudi Arabia specifically lol as farmers exist everywhere in the world
But sure why not farm in Saudi Arabia
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@KlonB I’m glad we are becoming friends
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Islam was spread by the sword. It is about its only way of growth. Just ask mohammed. He said the same thing.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@Islamreligion I am asking you to show me in the New Testament where Jesus or any of the Apostles told Christians to force conversion with the sword like mohammed told muslims to do. Please be specific. You said there were lots of such instances so please present them
@hippyjoe1955 Mohammed did not force anyone to become Muslim by the sword you are a liar and you know it
A battle between the Muslims and non Muslims
Who are unjust and break Treaties and attack Islam
Is different than using the sword to force someone to become Muslim

Im amazed about the fact you cannot comprehend simple english and you didn’t answer me

Is the God of the Old Testament different than the God of the New Testament ?
Are you ashamed of the Old Testament who you consider to be the word of God ?
@hippyjoe1955 “Please be specific. You said there were lots of such instances so please present them”
I said there are a lot in the Bible
But I guess you only consider the New Testament to be the Bible because you know your God was barbaric before the New Testament
I guess he was in a bad mood
What can I do about a moody God
And I still can quote things out of context in the New Testament
IncredibleMom · 36-40, F
islam completely assimilated and destroyed all northern african civilizations... they are pretty much arabia 2.0 since the muslim invasion
@IncredibleMom nothing was destroyed nor conversions were forced.
Ruling a kingdom is different than forcing a belief
You are missing the point of the post
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“By the Islam”
First , please learn to differentiate between Islam and a Muslim.
the Quran says :

“ Permission ˹to fight back˺ is ˹hereby˺ granted to those being fought, for they have been wronged. And Allah is truly Most Capable of helping them ˹prevail˺. They are˺ those who have been expelled from their homes for no reason other than proclaiming: “Our Lord is Allah.” Had Allah not repelled ˹the aggression of˺ some people by means of others, destruction would have surely claimed monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which Allah’s Name is often mentioned. Allah will certainly help those who stand up for Him. Allah is truly All-Powerful, Almight“

^ Allah is saying his name is being mentioned in churches and synagogues etc so how does Islam say destroy churches?

the only thing that was truly missed is that you failed to read the last statement in my post l
Plus it doesn’t matter ,
The teachings of Islam forbid forced conversions and destroying places of worship

The Prophet (peace be upon him) is reported to have said,

“Indeed, Najran and her allies are under the protection of God and the guarantee of the Messenger of God. They are to be protected in their wealth, lives, lands and religion. This includes their priests, monks, those who are present amongst them and those who are absent and others amongst them, and their delegations and the like. They shall not be forced to change that (faith) which they are upon and no right of theirs is to be forfeited. No monk, priest or attendant amongst them should lose that which is in his possession, be it plentiful or scarce, and no fear or danger will threaten them” (This Hadith cited by Imam Abu Yusuf Hanafi in al-Kharaj, 78)

Im talking about legit Islam and the big picture
Not some small extremist examples that do not represent the religion.

Christian kingdoms destroyed mosques and synagogues shrines etc
Hindus and Buddhists destroyed and bombed many mosques in India
Jews in Jerusalem closing and attacking mosques
I wonder why the generalization game in Islam
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Those were not Tibetan Buddhist Monks who flew those planes into the World Trade Towers in New York.
@Subsumedpat “No I told you that there is violence in Islam, lots of it and you know it is true no matter…”
Muslims are almost 2 billion from all across the board and around the world
If most of us are terrorists the world wouldnt stand a tiny chance.

And I agree that 9/11 was tragic
But it was a purely political move done by a small fraction that does not represent Islam
What concerns me is the usa government that swears on the Bible
And then goes and kills two MILLION innocent children and women and elderly men that did nothing wrong in their life.
It is not retribution it was a smooth plan to steal oil and resources

It is not 9/11 itself
In history many worse things happened
But the smart media coverage of it until today weaponize the event to justify horrible actions done to Muslims , proxy wars and propagandas.
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@Glassysky no innocent life should be taken away. Delete your comment or I will
Islam was spread by conquest, but so was Christianity. That doesn’t mean everyone Christians and Muslims came into contact with was forced to convert. But warfare and conquest played a role in these religions’ growth and successful spread around the world.
@SW-User many people of all religions and no religion ruled and conquered , history of the world is free. Not only Muslim people rules kingdoms.

So I agree with you , in my post i didn’t
Deny that fact. Muslims ruled lands.
It’s either rule or be ruled
Especially that Arabia at that time was surrounded by Roman and Persian empire
It was either conquer or be conquered
The Roman Empire wanted to expand and so did Persia.
We don’t live in a Cinderella world after all.

But “how “ it happens and if Islam allows forced conversions or not
Is the purpose of my post.
Islam is against forced conversions
It is mentioned in the Quran and authentic Hadith
TurtlePink · 22-25, F
Huh? What does that even mean
@TurtlePink I’m sorry I don’t understand your question

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