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How do spirits work? [I Religion]

One thing I never understood about spirits and the afterlife or whatever is, when we die and our spirit/soul leaves our body, we still have our senses right? Like sight, smell, touch, etc. Now I'm not exactly the smartest guy when it comes to biology but, aren't those things for..... A physical being? I meaaaaaan, in order to make those work we gotta pump nutrients and blood through it all right? Consciousness itself can't be what we become purely. How does a ghost brain work? How do ghost eyes work? What about our digestive systems?!?! Does matter even exist in the afterlife? WHY WOULD SUCH THINGS BE RELEVANT IF WE DO NOT REQUIRE SUSTENANCE FOR A NONPHYSICAL BEING?!?! I know people have differing opinions on the matter of spirits (obviously, Sherlock) but the usual depiction is that of just a regular dooooood but a little ethereal or has clouds instead of feet... Idk... Fuhgetaboutit. ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ/

Also I probably should've prefaced by saying I don't believe in ghosts or religion but hey, I'm still interested nonethelessssssssssssssssss.
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4meAndyou · F
I have a few opinions on the matter, but no one really knows for sure how it works. One thing I can say for sure, which seems to tie in to my own religious beliefs, is that there seem to be various planes of reality for the energy of the remnants of your spirit or soul.

There appears to be a level of existence where souls don't even know they are dead. Their energy continues, and I believe that it is these whom we see most often. I have had dreams, myself, which some people call sleep paralysis, and which some call "Spirit Travel". In those dreams I had no real body except for hands. I floated right up to the ceiling each time, and the only way I could move in my trance or dream state was to pull myself along the ceiling with my hands. I could see, but could not hear, and when I went to look at myself in the bathroom mirror, there was nothing there.

Energy that just plays on repeat is just energy...not intelligent...more like a video playing over and over again.

There appears to be another level where those who were evil actively continue to be evil, and they continue to cause harm if their spirits were strong enough.

The converse also appears to be true...that some souls remain as protectors...whom we sometimes call angels.
I have had out of body experience during my brain surgery when I was under general anesthesia. I was able to see my body and doctors operating on me from a view of around 15 feet apart and 10 feet above the ground. I even remembered the voices of surgeons for few months after that surgery. I even was able to match the voice of one of the surgeon in hospital with what I heard that time after one month of my surgery.

It has always been mystery for science. But I think there are also some other dimensions of our existence without body(brain and senses). I can't answer all your questions until I understand that myself completely.

I guess listening to this complete video would be informational for you.
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Carazaa · F
@SW-User I guessed as much 😇
Carazaa · F
When we are dead we go to "sleep" meaning we will not experience anything according to the Bible unless we are saved then our souls go to heaven with God. And when Jesus comes back to judge the living and the dead, the dead bodies in Christ will be raised first and given new heavenly bodies and be united with their souls and those who remain will be meeting Jesus in the air and given new bodies that have no diseases, they are perfect and will be with God in the new heaven forever where there are no tears. The people who have not had their sins forgiven by Jesus on the cross will stand for judgement of their sins, and will then be punished for every sin they had committed and be thrown in the lake of fire and their torment will be forever.
Carazaa · F
@StyleCat No! The wages of sin is death!

Revelations 14:11


Does that seem temporary to you?
StyleCat · M
@Carazaa "Forever" is not a correct translation. The original word is "aeon", which is defined as an "age", a specific length of time. Judgement occurs for "a specific length of time", and then it is over. Please remember Revelations is a book of symbols, and is meant to be understood symbolically. "Fire" in scripture, is used as purification through the word of God. Used to Spiritually "burn out", our carnality. Not physically. God is not a monster, and will not torture 90% of billions and billions of souls who ever lived in physical fire for eternity for his own amusement. To insist on that is to not only make God a liar, but to paint him as the most pure evil of all beings of all time.
Carazaa · F
@StyleCat You are twisting and sugarcoating the truth! God is in control of everything, all the hurricanes, all the fires, and earthquakes, you don't know God and you are twisting truth. Jesus is very clear that you must be born again to enter heaven. And all sin leads to death, unless you are born again!

This is very serious because you are deceiving people. Jesus is THE JUDGE of the world, and Jesus says that most will not enter heaven because most will go to destruction and die, and their smoke will never end of their torment!

Jill1990 · 31-35, F
I mix mine with coke.
bearinthehalfwayhouse · 26-30, M
@Jill1990 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay das the shizz i'm talking about, pimp. ┬┴┬┴┤•ᴥ•ʔ/🥃
LoveTriumphsOverHate · 36-40, M
Energy cannot be created or destroy. Its scientifically proven - The law of conservation of energy.
Carazaa · F

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