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I have some questions about Christianity. [I Have No Religion]

I was reading some woman's post on here about Christianity, making claims about sin causing death and statements about her deity being this way or that, and I got a bit confused. Just as a note before the questions, I'm not doing this to mock or demean anyone. I genuinely don't understand. Also I'm atheist, so don't know much about blind faith.

Anyway, first off that woman said that death is the result of sin; however, I was under the impression that Jesus died to absolve all sin, so wouldn't that mean that death is contraindicated? If not, why not?

Secondly, making factual claims like "god is love" or even that an omnipotent, omniscient, frankly incomprehensible in a Lovecraftian way deity would have a plan seems.... dubious. I know that the former is a quote by someone named Paul (McCartney obviously), but then you come into the problem of how Paul knows this. You could say "god told him" which is kinda pointless, or say that it's the bible and so god says so because it's the bible, and before you know it you're in a mythological ouroboros (sp?) of reasoning.
Carazaa · F
📯I don't believe in blind faith either! I need proof! And I got proof. I know God personally, and I can promise you that the Bible is inspired by God and that's why I trust it.

📯Jesus died for humanity because we are sinful, and can not reach God's heaven by ourselves so he paid our ticket with his own blood. He is just and must punish every sin. So because he is also loving he punished himself so we can enter heaven and have all our sins forgiven. "The wages of sin is death."

📯This Christmas we celebrate Jesus birthday. He came down as a helpless poor baby, to show how he loves us and can empathise with us. There was no room in the Inn. The wise men brought him Gold, I pray there will be room in your heart for him, and you will let him in, and you will give him Gold!🎀
LadyGrace · 70-79
Why didn't you just ask me about my post if you wanted answers? And no. What seems obvious to you, has nothing to do with Paul McCartney. I was speaking of the Apostle Paul. Jesus's disciple.

Secondly, I did not claim God is Love. (Though He is.) More importantly, God's Word says He is love.

Thirdly, I worship the person of God Almighty. That's not blind faith, when you know who is being worshipped.

Yes. Jesus died to pay our sin debt, because sin separates us from God. Had man not sinned, Jesus would not have had to die, so that we could be forgiven through Jesus, and reunited with our Father in heaven. Sin separates us from God the Father, until we ask Jesus to forgive us, and we are then forgiven and fit for heaven, being cleansed of all unrighteousness. And when there's no study or understanding of the bible, there is only confusion, of which Satan is the author of confusion. Paul experienced and loved Jesus as his Savior. The reason Atheists won't "allow" the bible to be used as evidence, is because they have no solid concrete rebuttal to it. That's like a cop refusing a speeding motorist, the right to prove his identity by his or her driver's license. What people don't understand, they ignore, make fun of, or criticize. You have claimed I'm "guilty" of false statements even before knowing what is in the bible, why, what it means, or even careful study of it, then illogically call it myths.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Death is the result of sin but the Bible is talking about spiritual death which means a break in our relationship with God. As Christians we believe that relationship is restored through Jesus
Secondly to say that God’s love is just how he has revealed himself in Christ. The fact that we can’t comprehend all of God with our small brains does not mean to say he’s not had these qualities.
I think McCartney meant something other than the love that the Christian means whichis a sacrificial, self-giving sacrificial love
fellowchristian · 70-79, M
@Speedyman I meant spiritual death..
The soul in man yearns to get in peace with God.The life on earth is the span of time to establish that peace with God. By phisical death the man loose the chance to establish peace with God. So, on happening a physical death, the soul get severed from God, the yearning never get stopped and the peace with God never attained. It is eternal death.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Yes but the immediate effect of sin is spiritual death@LadyGrace
LadyGrace · 70-79
@Speedyman Yes it is.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Who created you? If the universe created you, who created the universe?
According to the gnostic scriptures the people at the time misunderstood the death and resurrection of Jesus. Many of them thought that he came to save the body from death when it was actually the spirit he came to save. That is why you see so much concern over one's physical form in the Christian scriptures. Such as Jesus physically rising and people physically ascending in the rapture. When in actuality it has nothing to do with the body, but the spirit instead.
Another reason is darker. Humans want to hold onto their hate. They want the gift of Jesus to be exclusive not inclusive. They want only believers and those they like to be forgiven. And burn the rest of them.
But you are right. Jesus saved all from sin. Some try to justify it as you have to accept Jesus as master for him to forgive your sins but that is a contradiction and goes against the character of Jesus. Jesus sacrificed himself as a show of unconditional love. But it's not unconditional love if you then put conditions on it. Ultimately people want their enemies to burn. They don't want Jesus to forgive them. An they don't want to share a heaven with them. So they in effect do the worst thing they can think of and excommunicate them from salvation.
@Speedyman You don't even consider Catholics Christians though. So why do you care to follow their beliefs? They had a 1000 year monopoly and yet you believe them🤔
@fellowchristian Love will continue to love even when it isn't reciprocated. That is unconditional.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
I believe those to be Christians who Jesus Paul and the early church defined as Christians. No one has a monopoly on beliefs apart from what is in the Bible@canusernamebemyusername
It is confusing.
I am not sure it is at all understandable without faith.
I never try to explain my faith if an individual has already made up thier mind to reject it.
Arguing to me is pointless.
I respect people as individuals and wish to be respect the same way.
Religion is an individual choice. Philosophy, a theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle for behavior.
@fellowchristian It is your Choice to believe in Eternal Peace.
fellowchristian · 70-79, M
@softspokenman yes. It is individual choice. But there can be someone who would suggest things or guide him to that choice.
@fellowchristian I agree. There are a few people who can be a little over zealous in their attempts to guide others.
God being formless and omnipresent wasn’t devised by Paul McCartney lmfao

It is the base of every religion and oldest schools of thought in the world
@SW-User You want to find your way to a higher purpose?
@SW-User I am
@SW-User Good luck 🙂
Death is the result of sin?

Wouldn't returning to God when it's time, be the ultimate prize? Isn't that the desired end goal? Isn't death inevitable regardless of sin? What about new born babies that die?

I'm not sure what her point was. I don't think that's a popular Christian belief. It sounds like a personal spin from her own perspective.
FurryFace · 61-69, M
on my youtube videos there's one where i talk about why i believe in god , obviously i can't prove to anyone what i say in my videos is true , and only by word of truth and my perceptions at the time can i express the happenings to others since i'm not God , give it a lookup if you want to , FurryFace channel on youtube , oh its also posted on this site too
fellowchristian · 70-79, M
If you are really concerned of a death that is the judgement from God for those sinned against Him, Jesus says He is the way and the truth,and life to win over the death.
Context is important. Hebrew is poor in nouns but rich in verbs so it's probably 2 kinds of "death"
@Speedyman true, but original sin part isn't from the New Testament
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Where is it in the Hebrew then?@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP So you haven't read Romans 5?

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