xVellx · 36-40, M
Stormyearth, have you ever actually experienced much hypnosis before? There is virtually chance of that happening period to someone who does not WANT to be "forced" to give up information like that. Doubly so BECAUSE he will likely be a stranger to anyone who takes him up on his offer, and in all but some very rare cases, considerable rapport with the hypnotist is required to really go deep.
BroseHypnosis · 31-35, M
Exactly, which is why I say "try". Because it is a basic induction, and an introduction to what hypnosis feels like. If you're interested, we can chat, and if you feel comfortable enough with me, we can proceed.
laotzu92 · M
@BroseHypnosis It does seem intriguing. Are you still around?
do you know they can make you to reveal all your passwords, bank account numbers ,secrets? hypnotism is a dangerous thing to do with strangers.
Chrisian68 · 56-60, M
You don't "try" being hypnotized.
Take it seriously!
Do it or leave it ... but don't "try" it.
Take it seriously!
Do it or leave it ... but don't "try" it.