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turns out, hypnosis seems 2 help my anxiety [I Like Hypnosis]

been trying alot of kinds of it lately. most luck ive had is a file meant not 2 like, put u under completely. its helped me go outside 2 an extent, like an hour before having a panic attack. so id call that progress 4 me.
Kae20 · 56-60, FVIP
Thats great news .

I can vouche for Hypnosis myself.

I had two sessions to increase my levels of excersise at the gym . I went for twice per week to 4/5 which was very useful.

The other session was regression therapy. Which was a brilliant experience also. 😎
I'm glad you found something that works for you I hope your anxiety continues to improve!
xiera · F
@SW-User ty ❤️
@xiera 🤗
Alison · 18-21, F
Keep at it agoraphobia is nightmare.
xiera · F
@Alison ty ❤️
Nayla · 56-60, F
This is great! I am a hypnotherapist and know it works
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
I am so happy you have found something that is helpful. That’s great 💕.

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