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Once I had nursed a wounded crow for 2 months in my home

Every time that I meditate I think of him. I remember how every night he would go and sit in a place, not sleeping (I could tell as I got to know him) not moving. When I meditate I feel like him, reserving energy and preparing for the night..
Another thing I noticed is how alert and conscious street dogs are. And every animal. They're more strongly present. Isn't it what we're seeking too, a strong presence ..
I do believe that is what I admire about wildlife, animals that roam on their own. Their presence. I see this on people from time to time and I am drawn to them. I have a need to get to know them. But they are always so cautious.
being · 36-40, F
@nonsensiclesnail humans we ruin it with our speech too..
VampireOfDesire · 26-30, M
VampireOfDesire · 26-30, M
@being oh you really know how to flirt wit me babygirl 🤤🤤🤤
being · 36-40, F
@VampireOfDesire mr crow would have loved it 🥺 i kinda miss him.. I'm too lonely today
VampireOfDesire · 26-30, M
@being lucky crow bro
TrashCat · M
Did the crow die? Did you nurse him back to recovery and set him free? If you did, the crow will always remember your face and the kindness you showed him
being · 36-40, F
@TrashCat I strongly doubt that. He flew away yes, I freed him according to a wild animals shelter advice. I doubt it as the procedure was kind of disturbing to him and he didn't seem to like it, I had to tie his wing and give him medicine and I believe he was very miserable despite me trying to do what I was thinking to be the best for him, I was never a crow (in this life at least)
Anyways the point is not the story though
But the attitude, some animals meditative attitude
TrashCat · M
@being Don't. Crows are highly intelligent and have been known to recognize human faces and those who both wrong and do right by them. They have also been known to teach their offspring and what they have learned. Yes, the point of the story does not escape me, but tbh, the revelations about the Corvus are much more interesting.
Kaw kaw kaw kaw kaw kaw
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@being they do that where I am. I make very small paper balls and throw at them to scare them away. They end up screaming more fully aware those paper balls do nothing. 😑
being · 36-40, F
@SW-User they're excited about the Sun that's coming.....❤️ It's their celebration of life.. but I get you 🤭
animals are in tune with themselves, with nature. they are tapped into and use the energy of the universe to interact with their environment, not superficial things like we do.
being · 36-40, F
@deathfairy when ones sees things from this angle, it's easy to realise how disconnected we are.. The westerners' ideas (which nowadays belong all over the earth and not just in the East but in the West as well, from what I observe ..) of man as the supreme species brought us here

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