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I Wasted My Time On Someone

Aug1 2019
I want to move on. I can’t get him out of my head but I know it all comes with time. I think it’ll be harder the more days that pass but I also know once it’s unbearable that will be the moment it ends and I’ll be alright . I know I loved him harder than anyone , but he doesn’t know that . To him it’s all the same . I’ll get through this .
I missed him more than usual today. I thought about what we were supposed to be and it made me feel smothered . This town is drowning me from the soul inside out. I need to get out of here as soon as possible. Quicker than I thought .
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Adaydreambeliever · 56-60, F
It is hard! Perhaps it's harder because you are approaching the 1 year anniversary? I hope it begins to get better for you soon.
Fauxmyope2 · 31-35, F
It has been several years now for me. I still hurt. I hope that your heart heals. 🤗
Feuerstern · 51-55, M
Most of us have wasted time on someone a time or two. Getting away will definitely help. Give you a better perspective on things.
eMortal · M
Many of us have been in that place; where you feel like a corpse, where life unfold in front you like a sad movie, where you feel lonely even while kissing the rebound guy/girl.
ThisIsCrazy · 46-50, MVIP
Sometimes a big move and a big change is the best recovery.
Noreaster · F

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