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When your ex berates you over a very simple thing without your child present you know why she's an ex and will always be an ex

I drop my daughter at school, then take her stuff to her mum's on the way back to my place. her mum takes anything she thinks is not good enough as a reason to attack me, but I just turn and walk away to shut her down. She hates it! But it shows why she's my ex. Never saying thankyou for anything - never being positive or complimentary.

It was the same when in the relationship with her - I was never good enough.

This is the toxicity of feminism-infected modern women. Luckily for me my daughter adores me and she gets a totally different parenting approach from me where it's all about mutual acceptance and respect.

FFS women who are toxic and narcissistic need to take a long hard look at themselves and wake the eff up!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Here's the finest example from my ex:
X, "I'm a professional worker you're not."
G, "You don't think I qualify as professional? I'm trained as an avionics technician in the military, I'm a Project Manager and work in a software (mil) house."
X, "No you aren't I pay to be a member of a professional body you do not that is the definition of being a professional."

I mean I take her point but there was never a need to be ahole and think she was better than me about it.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
@GeniUs FFS well my ex is a registered nurse and because I'm a train driver (skilled professional not university qualified) my job was always sub-standard and my advice and input into the relationship and things in general was never good enough and had no value (especially about romantic things). Also because I am not a woman *and* a qualified health professional (despite being a parent of adult kids already) I wasn't 'qualified' to give any health-related, parenting or child raising advice for our then pending daughter (and later after the birth) while my ex has no other kids besides our 7 y/o daughter. I once caught her berating me behind my back to one of her female nurse friends on the phone when the relationship was pretty much over already and I'd begun (without her knowing) a few months earlier trying to find a house to rent and move out (which I did the day before my 50th birthday in 2018). I still live in the same house which I bought off the owner last year (nearly a yr ago).
GeniUs · 56-60, M
@zonavar68 Dude I could be looking in a mirror here, my ex was also a nurse (what's the matter with them they're supposed to be caring?) And she was so derogatory of everything I did it is shocking. Being mil I had to keep up to date on first aid and whenever it came up she'd always go on about what I'd been taught was wrong to the point where I actually went back to my instructors with it and their response was that she wasn't talking first aid as finding somebody on the street but more attending somebody within the hospital with all the facilities around you and it was a good answer.
As an aside I was once with a group of people talking about administering first aid to an old lady I work for who had passed out and a nurse in the group just quietly said, "oh the sort of stuff I deal with every day." Again what's the matter with these people?
DDaverde · 56-60, M
I agree one hundred percent sir !!
I wish you the best !
Monday40 · 51-55, F

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