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Toxic relationships… female dominance

Any men out here been controlled by a woman? To the extent of not being able to leave??? What happened?
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
I've had women try to be very controlling and for the sake of the relationship I put up with things for a while but when I had enough it was done and I never looked back
justcallmenameless1 · 36-40, F
@KingofBones1 i dont necessarily like to replace or be replaced but it happens and im not gonna fall apart cuz one man didnt want me. There's orher fish in the sea. I just figure if they wanna replace me they probably couldnt handle me anyways.
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@justcallmenameless1 same here. And truthfully after all I've been through I see it like this. There is no point in chasing women who do not want to be with me or make me do all the work to possibly catch what really does not want to be caught. This time around I am waiting for that one special one to come to me and let me know that she wants to be that one special one and that she is willing to work at it just as much as I am. With that woman if she is real about it I will give everything I have to build a life with her. I'm no longer looking for a hotspot I'm looking for true love and a soul mate. Corny as that sounds I don't care. It is always been my biggest dream in life to have to give and to find unconditional love
KingofBones1 · 46-50, M
@justcallmenameless1 I have always wanted that and a family of my own. To love to care for and to be that person they just can't do without as well. And to leave a legacy behind when I leave this world
Gibbon · 70-79, M
Go talk to my second ex wife. The most emotionally and financially destructive years of my life. NO had no meaning. When we had a fight and she threatened to leave I encouraged her to get the hell out. If you read my profile and about me you'll see it led to the best relationship and years of my life.
Nope, nor do I control them..........
Elisbch · M
One can always leave. There are always options.
Philth · 46-50, M
@Elisbch not if you've been already manipulated into believing that you wouldn't be able to cope in the outside world without her. Or that her lawyers wouldn't leave a shred of you worth having. It happens. Frequently. Here in the UK a programme was recently shown, "My wife, the abuser". She was faking injuries upin herself allegedly by him, she already had doctors, police, friends and family on her side before he even realised that there was a problem.
Gibbon · 70-79, M
@Philth In my case this in no way applies and I find it appalling. The only thing I could say I was manipulated was in paying her half of the divorce to her lawyer, I never got one, in person to his face. I told him she wasn't going to pay and I was more than glad to getting her out of my life. I thanked him for his services and we shook hands and he said after meeting you both I understand.
Elisbch · M

not if you've been already manipulated into believing that you wouldn't be able to cope in the outside world without her.

One thing I've learned is that women always have an agenda and if not at first, it will come. Unfortunately, in some countries, the legal system favors the opposite sex. I've been down this road before as many have. I find it's best never to get into a legal agreement with the opposite sex. It can be a harsh decision for many to accept but the peace and safety that follows that decision is fabulous. Life is short. I'm not wasting any more of it looking over my shoulder and wondering what if down the road. Friendships only. A man can never afford to turn their soul over and lose himself in a relationship and give his power of their mate. It's an emotional prison.
That program that you saw, My Wife, the Abuser. Another title for that program is "Her Agenda". Always keep your soul at all costs.
I hope you never find yourself in that man's position of that program.
We bend too much to please more often than not.
justcallmenameless1 · 36-40, F
If a man cant leave its cuz he chooses not to.
Bleach14443 · 22-25, M
What you mean?
Not being able to leave? That doesn't sounds good
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@Philth Sounds like a girl I went to jr high with in the middle of nowhere iowa in the early to mid 80's, her father owned the local salvage yard and was the richest man the county, she had a clique of yes girls and most everyone wanted to be on her good side, I just ignored them.

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