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I kinda wish I could say I'm falling out of love with my wife

It would make this a hell of a lot easier. But if I'm being perfectly honest, I do still love her and would like for this to work. But I don't know if it can anymore, with her refusal to just take counseling and do something about her shit attitude! We haven't seen or spoken to each other since last Thursday. The weekend before that, she disrespected me so much, I was just done. I left her telling her to take therapy or we're through. On Thursday, we talked again and, of course, she still hasn't bothered looking into it. I'm going back home to her tonight and I already know she's going to tell me she hasn't looked into therapy. I hope I'm wrong, but I'll be surprised. I don't want to get a divorce, but I can't do this with her anymore. I really can't. Even if she's decent now, it will only be a matter of time before she acts shitty again. That's just how the cycle is, but I'm done repeating it. We'll just see how tonight goes.
Rebirth · 26-30, M
Im sorry, i hope she's able to make the progress she needs.

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