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My wife is apparently butthurt over me meeting my parents at the bar for breakfast this morning

All saying she wasn’t invited and shit. Wtf? No, I didn’t plan to meet with my parents at the bar this morning, they just showed up because they had the same idea as me and we just ended up eating breakfast together. I can assure her there was no covert plan between my parents and I to secretly meet up for breakfast together just so we could do so without inviting her. In fact, I actually invited her to come out with me before I left this morning and she said she didn’t want to, so that completely destroys her bullshit over not being invited. Seriously, what in the actual fuck?! You see, this is the kind of nonsense I deal with from her. Her twisting shit around and making an issue out of a non-issue, seemingly for the sake of creating problems for us. She’s not like this all the time, but enough to where it creates this wedge between us that just breaks my heart. As I’m typing this, it’s been a while since her and I have cooled down, so I’ll try talking to her again. If you see my next post about me being at another bar, you’ll know how it went. Lmao
Primnproper · 56-60, F
What a silly thing to get hung up on and especially to cause disharmony over it.
Women with women. What could go wrong? 🤣 Now you know what men have to deal with.
Ducky · 31-35, F
@NoThanksLeon normally I’d be annoyed, but you might have a point
Degbeme · 70-79, M
She is making no sense at all. Sorry she is being like this.
She seems to be making everything about her a lot. Is she feeling lonely over there?
Ducky · 31-35, F
@SW-User I’ve asked her this before and she doesn’t seem to be. She certainly has no reason to feel so because of me

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