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I Need Advice On Relationships

I was talking with my boyfriend on the phone but he was playing a videogame so at a certain point his attention seemed to be struggling to get divided between me and the game.
As I was starting to say goodbye I mention that I was going to the seam for a dress. He asked what dressed, so I explained that I wanted to wear this dress on my birthday (two days from now) but it was too big so I had to do the seam.
He answer was something like "a dress? Ok... whatever you say...". It sounded a bit weird, like he wasn't very sure about it. But I know it could have just been him being distracted with the game. But anyway I asked if there was a problem with it because he said that in kinda of a weird way. And he seemed to lose patience and got irked and told me to stop finding problems where there aren't any, that he doesn't hide stuff etc.
And that hurt... I felt like he was treating me like I was a problematic person... but I'm not. There actually have been quite a few things that have been upsetting me but I haven't say anything. In our entire relationship (three months) I was only openly upset three times. The last time was actually a week ago and it was the first time I was actually pissed off and back down and it was because we were supposed to go out for lunch, he was picking me up and he kept falling asleep even though I kept calling him and waking him up. THREE HOURS later I was pissed and gave up and told not to bother to come. But it was the first time I got that upset, so him treating me now like I was some kind of over problematic person felt very unfair and hurtful.
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JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I know I'm not the expert of any relationship but I learned that you just don't talk to somebody when they are occupied. They get very short and all they want to do is to quit talking and get back in the game. Yes, its very rude that he still plays a game while he is talking to you but I think you need to ask him when is the best time to actually talk to him.
escapemyreality · 31-35, F
@JarJarBoom ye I should have known better than to talk to him when he's busy... but I told that as I was saying goodbye, I was saying you go do your thing and I'm going to do this. And ending a phone call so quickly is already hard for me because we only see each other on the weekends and the last weekend we didn't even do that.
Byron8by7 · M
Surely your time as well as your life is more valuable than to spend it with him.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
@escapemyreality well, I don't think you should blame yourself because I agree it was really rude to not put the video game down and spend 10 minutes to talk on the phone but if its really bothering you, maybe you just need to communicate that maybe that distracting talking doesn't feel like an actual conversation.
might be better off without him..If i was playing a video game and my girl called she would have my full attention
StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
He should be more polite and listen better, but I also think you're acting way insecure.
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
How long did you know him before the relationship began?
escapemyreality · 31-35, F
@DanielChristensen just a few weeks... it all happened very fast
DanielChristensen · 46-50, M
@escapemyreality Yeah sounds like you didn't know him well beforehand. I hope it works out
Good luck.
enimgaticcasper · 31-35, M
Oh wow, this guys is a real dick. I’m sorry if that was rude, but this guy shouldn’t be playing video game while your having a conversation with. If he want to be with you, he should show it, if he doesn’t, then is a lost cause. No guy should say a girl is a problematic.
jademarley · 26-30, F
he sounds like an asshole
leave that asshole jerk. he loves his games more than he does you so let him torture them.

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