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I have a question for whoever likes men?

Is this does the time off or not? A guy that’s 30 years old and that’s a virgin and never dated, I’m only asking this because I have a friend that’s 30 and a virgin and a family member that’s dating someone that’s 30 and virgin, I have to say respect to them for sure the guys, but I cannot date a virgin because, I need someone that knows what they’re doing. That’s just my thing other females and other people are different from me.
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, I need someone that knows what they’re doing.

Then why not just show them the ropes? It's not rocket science
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays lmao, I just noticed 😂
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@SW-User what if they’re don’t know much , How can a person show them the ropes 🤷🏻‍♀️
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@FrogManSometimesLooksBothWays I’m not everybody in the world knows the ropes hun, I don’t know much myself cuz I had failure ex’s in the past that were selfish, Just gave up on looking till I am ready again , there are people out in the world very rarely are virgins and very rarely don’t know what they’re doing when it comes to sex
Guys learn very quick. It's not rocket science. 🤣
I'm confused, what's the question?
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@sstronaut will you be with 30 yr old virgin who hasn’t dated or it’s turn off
@ChulaRp I think I'm more into the personality than their past
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@sstronaut true and common sense but not everyone has common sense
CuriousCouple25 · 51-55, C
If one does rosey palm does that make him stiil a virgin?
@CuriousCouple25 If he's never put his key in the lock he's a virgin.
tfan123 · 46-50, M
@ChulaRp I didn’t lose my virginity till I got married to my beautiful Chinese wife and we gave each other our virginity’s on our wedding night. I was 30 and she was 29.
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@tfan123 I like that good story , congrats, I had shitty story wish it was a good story
Tracos · 51-55, M
teach him
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@Tracos teach eachother but not my relationship I can’t teach a man who’s taken 😂😅 but I know what you mean 🙌🏼
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I would have serious questions about any person at that age and a virgin. Male or female.

Puritanism in my view is a highly questionable practice!
RedBaron · M
I have no idea how anyone can be a virgin at 30.
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@RedBaron just because you lose it , it takes while to understand it 😂 20s shy to speak up on what, I wanted try and 30s I speak up more and understand more on what, I like and found out trick too I didn’t know bout
@RedBaron 🤣😂🤣😂 I think we need to teach you about recognizing sarcasm 😋
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Could be they have not had penetrated sex for whatever reason but it doesn’t mean they’ve never had some kind of sex before. Maybe they can’t have it for whatever reason. Saying that someone doesn’t know what they’re doing could be a bit far fetched.
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@Gingerbreadspice they’re both family religious they’re won’t be with female if it isn’t marry that’s why respect them both, and trust me I believe it because from being around bad guys compared to them you can tell that they’re being honest about it, and not everything you see on adult films it’s OK to do in real life and especially if you haven’t done it and you just thinking of doing it. Somethings are OK.
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ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@OogieBoogie I get ur point but I never had good one so being with virgin freaks me out too because ,I ain’t sexual active person at the moment my choice, I don’t know much myself , never learn much ex’s didn’t know what they’re were doing , fail in that department, probably two out four was not bad but didn’t get me hook into sex honestly
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pride49 · 31-35, M
Glad.im a gay virgin then
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
You say you respect then then go on to judge them for being a virgin. What a weird post.
ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@iamonfire696 I am just saying respect the fact that they’re stay to what they’re believe ! I ain’t judging at all that’s like me seeing I am cool friends that are gays but , I won’t date bie guys sexual it’s just preference, I am sure everyone has a preference on a person they’re want to get too know
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ChulaRp · 36-40, F
@sstronaut I was just saying, I didn’t think you was talking bout me.
@sstronaut That too.
@ChulaRp That too.

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