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Men and rejection

Why on earth would a man ask about you if he rejected you??? No mean comments please

I was recently rejected by a man that I had talked to on and off. But I feel like he’s cheating in his relationship but not telling people he’s actually taken…
So anyway we have a mutual friend and we’re going to a work event together ( her and I) mind you no one goes into the office. She tells me he’s asking her if me and her are going to the office to meet up with him then go to the work event …
I feel like that’s a sneaky way to see me without disrupting what he’s got going on behind closed doors am I right?
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You better believe you're right. Big red flags to have nothing to do with this man and especially let your lady friend know that you want no more messages from him, if he tries to give her one. She should not have even entertained his efforts to get to you, through her. This is not acceptable behavior. Even he sounds narcissistic. The man has proved that he is not trustworthy. He is not friend material....period! Always keep your distance from this person as much as possible. It's just a shame you have to interact with him because of work. Try to avoid that as much as possible. He has no right inquiring what you are going to do through another person. This is still harassment and very unethical. It is also very unprofessional. Stay your distance and avoid all contact with him as much as you can. This sounds like a person that could easily become a stalker.
PoeticPlay · 56-60, M
Always follow your instincts.
They were given to you for a reason.

I think you nailed it. My guess is he's thinking he's got hooks into you and wants more.
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@daddywashere yep that’s exactly how it feels. We didn’t even do nothin LOL
Now that tells me who was calling on no caller ID last week too smh
@Creolequeen smart lady, well done
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@daddywashere Ty. 🤗 poor man has no game ha! I mean for someone that wants to hangout and not be able to by any means… and keeps saying “soon” yeah you in a relationship my boy.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
He’s playing you off her .
That’s the sneaky part and also having 2 women he’s also getting a high from it
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@riseofthemachine well that and it sounds like he’s using her for financial stability too
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
See peoples opinions in life ,
If you take notice of what every one is saying you’d go off your game completely.
Be your own little lamp in life and go with the flow no matter what when you go with the flow nothing will bother you .
One more other thing .
Did you ever hear of the sane “ rejection is gods protection .
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@riseofthemachine yes he does this a lot. Sometimes I feel like it’s me. But each time I relook at it .. I’m like nope God is protecting me ❤️❤️
Are you saying, If he has an option he won't let you know.
@Creolequeen I mean he is checking out other woman when he rejected you?
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
Raaii · 22-25, F
I don't really understand and with time I'm unable to understand more 🤦‍♀️
Creolequeen · 31-35, F
@Raaii what?
Raaii · 22-25, F
@Creolequeen I meant I don't understand relationships

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