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NCCindy · 36-40, F
Me....I was too impatient to wait for him to make the first move
MartikaDuponte1 · 36-40, F
He did. Kept asking. I asked my dad, he said no. Kept at it, bless him.
M x
M x
He did - after some 19 years of dating, and it took me completely by surprise.
What draws you to Hemmingway?
What draws you to Hemmingway?
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@thisgenericnamehere Yeah, we became good friends within the first six months - and eventually we just... fitted.
@thisgenericnamehere That's the gift of his writing - sounding like it's coming from inside the mind of the narrator - and nothing corny or predictable. The racing yacht is lean, streamlined, trimmed down - exactly as one might notice in a fit and healthy young woman. He implies the sexual attraction without stating it explicitly - "and you missed none of it"... the eyes as male erogenous zone, but also builing the characterisation - she dresses modestly in wool jersey.
What else is on your to-read list for this year?
Which will you choose first?
What do you enjoy most in a novel?
What else is on your to-read list for this year?
Which will you choose first?
What do you enjoy most in a novel?
thisgenericnamehere · 36-40, M
@hartfire I am going to have to really push to make my goal, so I won't be picky. I figure I will just cruise through modernist era literature.
MyNameIsHurl · 41-45, F
I wish I was married
exexec · 70-79, C
She did. I was slow.
Montanaman · M