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Do people make you feel easily annoyed and do they anger you?

Why is making other people angry so glorified?
I admit I'm struggling to express my thoughts on this properly, but I'll try.
Does anyone else feel irritated or angry after going somewhere public or being around people for a certain period of time?
I tend to feel irritated and grumpy after being in a grocery store or anywhere public and around a lot of people for a certain period of time. When I’m at the store or at any public place with my mom, I tend to feel like I’m being watched, judged, or that I’m being threatened, even though there’s nobody around me, and that leaves me feeling in a negative mood. My mom nags me a lot too, so that also gets me in a negative mood. I also have OCD, and my intrusive thoughts tend to get worse when I’m out in public. Edit: I think to myself “Hurry up! I wanna go home. I hate these people!”, “Do I look embarrassing?”, or “I hope nobody is making fun of me.” whenever I’m out in public with my mom.
Often, in various places and situations on the internet, it seems like people are almost excited at the thought of making someone else upset, prompting responses like "lol u mad :)", "damn chill", or from an example I've seen just now "Oh man I made a lot of capital G gamers mad with this one. xD" and so on, with these people oftentimes acting like they've "won" or something.
People are too proud of being easily annoyed
“I can’t stand it when…”
Does anyone know any people that, for seemingly no reason, really irritate them? Or rather, there are reasons to find them annoying and irritating but you experience such a profound sense of hot, seething frustration that you feel that way the moment you see them -- even if they haven't done anything.
A while back I was friends with a girl at my work and I really liked her and we got along well, but after learning a little more about her I progressively became very angry and irrationally annoyed whenever I see her. I CAN pick out specifics:
--She's always discussing her emotional issues that she has with her boyfriend (issues that I don't see as issues at all, like... "Why hasn't he said I LOVE YOU yet?!")
--She doesn't "get the hint" (I tell her that I'm extremely busy and she says "That's OK I don't mind!!" and keeps talking)
--She's very stereotypically "girly" (I went to the bathroom alone at a work event and when I returned, she told me she was so worried about me, looked everywhere for me, and told me "You should have told me you were going to the bathroom so we could GO TOGETHER!!")
--She isn't punctual. At all. We roomed together at the aforementioned work event and she was so lackadaisical about the fact that we were late that it actually made me incredibly upset -- being on time is a HUGE thing for me.
etc. The thing is, OTHER people do these things and I don't get bothered at all. But the moment I see this girl, even if we aren't speaking, I experience such a strong annoyance that I'm sure people can notice the change in my behavior.
I don't know if I'm going crazy, if there's a reason for this, or what the hell to do. Today she freaked out about something and I actually told her to "calm down," in front of another coworker -- and I'm sure they see it as me being rude. Her emotional outbursts actually make me very nervous and uncomfortable and I can't control my mouth.
This came out so much longer than I intended
“It drives me crazy when…”
When I'm stressed out or irritated, I get angry at others easily. How do I prevent this?
Hi everybody,
I have taken the first step to finally see a Doctor about my issues but am still waiting to hear back from them.
My job requires me to talk to people on the phone for the majority of the day, and with every call I am so easily irritated and annoyed by the stupid questions that people have that can easily be googled, or with people being so technologically illeterate that I have to walk them through how to navigate a simple webpage.
I understand that the people who call up don't use our website day in day out like I do, and that not everyone has the same basic technology understanding, but I am still so easily set off when people ask the most basic question that they could have easily taken the initiative to search Google for an answer.
I have tried telling myself that not everyone has the same ability as I do, but I am still so judgemental of people's intelligence and it doesn't feel good.
Does anyone else experience this? I'm trying to find ways to deal with it whilst I wait to talk to a Doctor because it is starting to really affect my work.
I noticed recently that I do what I find unacceptable in others. When I'm very stressed I treat others badly, getting angry about little things and being unfair. I don't think this happens often, as I have to be quite stressed, but I don't like it. The problem is that I can't really think straight when I'm like this, so in that moment I don't necessarily realize what's going on and if I do, I'm not calm enough to decide if I'm over reacting or not.
Do you feel that you are getting angry more than before?
I noticed I am getting angry more as I am getting older.
I am 33 and I noticed it gradually increase from age 31.
I am getting extremely angry, just because someone doesn't change the side while walking on the sidewalk. I want to get into the fight just for that reason. I did not felt it before.
Does it happen with you as well?
I don't want to become "what I've sworn to destroy", so if you have any experience/tips on how to cope with this, please tell me. Also, I hope this is the right subreddit
It’s usually something completely inconsequential like “people say aks instead of ask”. Or “I see someone butter a pop tart.”
Why is it that the people I love the most, annoy me the most as well?
It's a very strange feeling, but 95% that I (genuinely) love- be it my bestest friends or my mom or even my boyfriend- annoy me so easily. It's not that I have a very unnatural level of impatience, it's just that they tick me off so easily. And I feel that when they annoy me or hurt me- I just feel like a flipped coin. I can grow to create a hateable image of them in my head.
But today something happened in my life that really, really got me angry. I felt lied to, cheated and thrown around by my future corporate landlords.
The TLDR of what happened, I kept following up on when i could move in, they kept saying they did not have a date. Today I get a random call "You can move in tomorrow." I say, well, that's short notice, I can be ready next week, can you prorate the rent for when i can come and sign the lease? They said "tough luck, you're paying half month's rent for the rest of Feb or we'll rent to someone else on March 1st." This back and forth took my entire day. They kept demeaning me, saying stuff like "I bragged about how nice of a kid you were, I dont know why you're behaving like this," and making me feel so powerless. They're not happy, neither am I, and now it's feasting on my mind before my dinner plans for valentines day. I can't let it affect me more than it has.
I don't often get mad, and if something does happen to make me "mad" it is easy to let go because I'm in control. This time around.. It's about my home. I really feel like I'm being dragged by a chain by constant demands of this property management company. The power they have flexed over me is making me feel so uneasy because in this instance, I don't have control.
Any words to bring me back to center will be greatly appreciated.
Does anyone feel the same way? I really want to know why this happens, and I want to not feel this way. Because it also builds an idea of whether I really do love these people or am just putting up with them. Maybe I haven't found 'my people' but this feeling shouldn't be a consequence of that.
It’s fine to not like things, but this type of thing is often said in a proud, indignant tone that no one would use to describe other shortcomings they may have.
I really don't get it, as to me, it seems really insensitive at the very least. Nothing to be proud of. Why do people think so highly of it, then? Does anyone else feel like they aren't allowed to be mad?
I am starting to notice as I get older people's reactions to me when I get angry. I am not sure if it has to do with the fact that I'm a young woman or if it's because of my generally mild personality.
Why is it that I get so easily angry at my family members, but never others?
I've been living with my dad since the pandemic, and it has honestly been really frustrating. I get easily irritated when I feel like he is being insensitive. I don't do well with oversensitive people.
Then, I would suddenly spike up and uncharacteristically yell at him.
I feel like my dad (who is btw an ISTJ) is often somewhat intrusive with his words or inconsiderate in communal behavior.
It's usually about the same thing; for example, I'm constantly asking him to watch less TV because I get easily stressed out by noise.
Maybe I am just being immature. I generally don't like to be around people who I don't get along with, and I've always been good at avoiding them.
I know he's my dad. I can't avoid him, neither do I want to.
I hate feeling like the angry, mean person and I always feel guilty after lashing out.
I certainly don't have anger issues, at least not with anyone else. I do love him and care about him, but I'm also tired of dealing with someone who is so resistant to change for others.
I'm so deeply exhausted being stuck at home with someone like my dad, as much as I love him.
All I could find about INFJ anger was that we rarely get angry. And though that is certainly true for my friends and others, I can't stop expressing negativity to someone I do love and care about.
I wonder if any other INFJs on this sub also experience this kind of impatience with specific people?I never rage, but sometimes I get angry. I think I'm pretty reasonable. I don't throw a fit. Every single time I'm not a perfect agreeable angel I am met with the guilt trip or the silent treatment. Like how dare I make them feel bad?! They act like a jerk, I react with frustration, and they try to make me feel bad about getting mad. I am just done with people. Tldr; I'm extremely happy when I'm by myself but when I'm around other people I get irritated quickly. Is there something wrong with me? Why do I get irritated so quickly? I like to be alone most of the time. I am the happiest when I'm alone, I do love my family and friends though. I don't have money to move out so I'm still living with my mom. She's incredibly noisy and annoying. She watches tv to the highest possible value and I can literally hear everything that's going on from my room. When she comes home it's nothing but complaint after complaint about things I have no control over. When I'm driving her around she has the radio up really high or watches something on her phone at a super high volume. As you can tell by now, I hate noise with a passion. When I visit my grandparents, there's something always wrong. They've been married for over 50 years and literally can't stand each other, so when I visit they both vent to me about what the other has done wrong. They have so many complaints about each other. I know I'm painting my folks in a negative light here but I swear they're really the sweetest people you'd ever meet. It's just they're noisy and are NOT solution oriented. So I have dreams of moving to another country and just living by myself. Hey, I’m 40M, and I get annoyed and irritated by everyone, my wife, kids, mother, (some of) my friends, and most of my coworkers. I’m impatient, if I don’t like what you’re saying, I can’t keep it in, I can’t keep calm. I’m never angry, I don’t shout or get aggressive in these situations (there are of course times when I do get angry, but I don’t feel like I have an angry management issue), but I’m quick to snap into a frustrated mood.
It mainly happens when I feel I’m not being ‘heard’ or understood but mostly when I think people are thick (stupid). If you’re a junior at work, I’ll give you all the time in world, but if you’re a peer and you’re doing something wrong that I think you should know, I have a very low threshold and I probably won’t treat you with a lot of respect.
My mum is quite similar in that respect, and as I get older I realise that I get it from her - and it’s her that I am probably most short with. However this is my problem that I need to deal with and I clearly come across as a bit of arsehole to people, particularly when meeting new people. I’ve actually had people say to me on more that one occasion “I thought you were a bit of an arse when I first met you, but (now that I know you) you’re a really nice guy”. The thing is, I don’t actively want to do it, I don’t want to be unlikeable, and I can be quite charming when I want to be, I just have this ugly streak.
Actually just thinking about it more now, it happens more when there is some level of stress involved. So some new neighbours moved in and I get along great with them, going round for drinks etc, but coworkers in a new job can be a rough ride. Has anyone else dealt with the same trait; how did you deal with it, and what resources could you recommend, books, meditation, CBT, YouTube videos? Do you get annoyed with people really quickly?
Hey everyone,
I don't know why, but lately I've been feeling a lot more easily irritated by my friends who, last year, I would consider one of my closest. It's not like we are fighting or anything and I would still consider them my closest friends but for some reason, whether it be because of something they said or how they acted, it makes me annoyed though it maybe wouldn't have made me annoyed a year or two years ago. For example, one of my friends is on a planning committee with me, and I suggested meeting tomorrow during lunch time to quickly go over a presentation, wouldn't have taken more than 10 minutes. They go, "I have lunch then :( " — and that made me irrationally annoyed because I was like , the lunch period is literally 1+ hr long , no one said you can't eat and practice this with me, I also have lunch , you're not the only one who needs to eat, whatever.
Of course I did not say any of that outloud, but I was thinking it, and it makes me feel like a bad person because I obviously don't know their situation, who knows, maybe their family likes to have long lunches together or whatever. But my point is that I've been "snapping" like this in my head towards my friends a lot more often and I was wondering if you guys have ever felt the same, and how you dealt with it. I know that friendships can't be a 10/10 all the time, theres bound to be some dips, but I feel quite bad because I'm pretty sure that all the issues are coming from my end (it's not like my friend was saying "oh i have lunch" to try and purposely annoy me).
I wonder if it has to do with the fact that zoom + lack of social interaction has just made my tolerance level of slight annoyances a lot lower, so I am starting to overreact to everything. I'd love to hear your thoughts, thanks.
I can be really really close to people, really love and care about them.. but if they do something that annoys me then I just want to cut away for a while until I miss them or care about them again...
Why do I get tired/annoyed with people after a while?
I notice this with a lot of new friends or relationships I get. I love the person to death for months or a couple years, and then I soon see all their flaws and get less patient with them. I try my best to avoid this emotion but it’s starting to get to the point where I avoid making new friends so I don’t hurt their feelings.
When I mean something that annoy's me I mean that is out of my morale standard or something I dislike a lot... I've seen people here talking about "recharging" though I am not really sure what it means? Do you guys easily get irritated by other people?
Multiple times a day I hear someane saying something indicating that he/she is irritated by someane for their behavior, something they are doing or just their way of speaking. Almost everyone I know can get irritated by others over little things. This is kinda weird to me and a while ago I started realizing how easily people get irritated and paying attention to it.
People are just how they are, a result of an extreme amount of factors. The way they are is heavily influenced by everything, so why be irritated over someane who for example walks slowly in front of you. Perhaps he really likes the pace for whatever reason, or he doesn't realize there are people behind him.
I barely feel irritated by others, only if someane is being very annoying to me. Do you people have this as well or am I just overthinking things?
I hope my explanation is a bit understandable. I tend to get annoyed easily with these listed things as well as a lot of other small noises that people can make. Getting annoyed at these gets me in trouble because I can't help but show my annoyance or make comments on it and more often than not it is not my place to make said comments (i.e. with the inlaws). Ideas on how to either not be annoyed (learn patience) or better hide my annoyance and not let it show!? And this is nothing new. This was a thing that always kept me away from making any relationships with others. I was good being alone for a long while, but now I feel bad that I have such a big problem with socializing at all in my early 20s.
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Mardrae · F
Omg that was long! I read the first couple of paragraphs but it was too much to finish but I get the gist of what you’re saying. I have the same issues too. I didn’t used to be like that but I think having Covid-19 twice and 4 vaccines really messed me up emotionally. My personality has completely changed. I’ve always been a people person but now I prefer to be alone and I can’t be around people long at all because they get on my last nerve. So I can relate.

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