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Should I leave my job or stay and see what they have to offer?

So, my current job is offering me a leadership position. They said that I'm getting the promotion and they've been training me to assign work to the other men and to use to computer system to decide which orders we need to fulfill for the week and a lot of other technical stuff that will probably bore you.

They will give me a hefty raise but I will still be hourly. The only issue is that there's another job in a different department that pays $3.50 more an hour than this promotion will pay me. Except I heard it's extremely dangerous and it's a very toxic working environment. Someone who left that department told me that they are pretty harsh on transfers strangely not hard on guys coming from outside of the company. They can't find anyone to do the job. And I would have to wear an outfit similar to a full hazmat suit with mandatory overtime and it's working with dangerous materials.

Is 3.50 worth it? When I get the promotion I'll be paid good but an extra 3.50 sounds pretty good.

I live in upstate NY, USA. It's one of the highest paying jobs that don't require college or experience.

I'm originally from overseas, lived in Canada, and now live in the US. My dream is to buy a house, get married, and have a family here. I really believe in the American dream. But I'm very conflicted.

My bosses treat me very very well. And theyve given me a lot of advancement in the short time I've been there. My supervisor explicitly told me that if I transferred to the other dept he'd be ticked off (jokingly but serious).

Like, I wanna show these guys I'm loyal and hardworking. But I want all the money I can get. The promotion would look good on my resume but the other job I could transfer to pays more just to start as a regular worker.

Idk what to do.
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You don't have to make a mistake yourself to get hurt in a hazardous working environment, especially in a toxic working environment. $3.50 an hour is an extra $16. to take risks you don't need to take. Mandatory overtime gets exausting. Why rock the boat when you are doing well? The dangerous job will always be there.
throughTheMotions · 51-55, M
Every job decision comes down to weighing against culture (typically dependant on manager), environment, compensation, and career path. You have to decide how to weigh these. But, if it were me, I would steer clear of toxic or dangerous work conditions.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Ask if you take the promotion if there’s be possibility to move up and for raise. I’d probably stick with your current job. No one wants that job for a reason., personally I wouldn’t want to wear a hazmat suit.
MrAboo · 36-40, M
Just want to add I left a job I liked for an extra $2.51 an hour to pay off a debt. I paid off the debt, but am learning to work all over again.
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amourj · 26-30, M
@SW-User I can't. This is the highest paying job in the area. I didn't come to America to work at Burger King.
The only good thing about the other job is the money and nothing else ..I once left a good job for another job that had nothing to offer me except 2 dollars more an hour and I got fired 3 months later because my supervisor didn’t give a shit about me and I started drinking on the job .. now looking back I wish I would have stayed
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LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
You should leave Similar Worlds.

Just so everybody else knows, he used to post this question on a daily basis on Yahoo! Answers. It didn't matter what answers he got, he would post it again and again and again like some kind of lunatic. Now, as I understand it, that's not against the rules here, but just so everybody knows, he's never going to stop.
LordShadowfire · 46-50, MVIP
@amourj Okay, what the heck. Maybe it's just because I want to believe you, but I do.
amourj · 26-30, M
@LordShadowfire I'm really sorry. My life is pretty boring. Sometimes drama like that makes it more exciting and gives me a reason to live.
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