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How do you define marriage in these days ??

Marriage is it the end of everything? (Somaume)
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Marriage is an intimate relationship between two people who love one another and vow to try their utmost to love one another til death. It is individual between a man and a woman. Others are called unions. One always hopes to be married until death. Doesn't always work out that way. It takes commitment, loyalty, strength, open communication, honesty, a great sense of humour, etc. I believe in marriage. Many get divorced and let themselves be closed to the option of finding love again. That is sad to give someone that power.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion was married for 13 years. Not likely going to do that again. Would rather fly a kite in a thunderstorm.
@Tastyfrzz That is too bad. You let someone hold that power over you. Your heart is closed. I was married once too. I have an open heart. We do not need to debate this.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@PoetryNEmotion Okay.. thanks... I will try
I don't define it. Defining it is what causes the problems because we try to fit people in boxes they may not fit into.

Marriage needs to be a decision between 2 (or more, if that is what suits them) parties on how they commit to each other and what the rules of their conduct need to be.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@SW-User Amazing!!! I love this explanation!!! You said all !
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Hougal · 31-35, M
@Aysel And what is the real reason of this dysfunction??
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Hougal · 31-35, M
@Aysel hahaha 🤣🤣🤣
LavidaRaq · F
Ahhh yes … 😑
Hougal · 31-35, M
@LavidaRaq Really??? What? Explain!!!
LavidaRaq · F
@Hougal can definitely be the end of everything… However, with the correct person can also be everything.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@LavidaRaq You're right!!!! Only with the correct person!
It's a legal contract x religious bs = destruction of self.

I'm sure some people are happily married. And I'm sure it's because some of them believe in the hype.
Hougal · 31-35, M
@SW-User Yeah!!!!

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