I don’t know. Some people are just more playful and physical than others. If it’s making you uncomfortable though it should be OK for you to let them know to find some other way of playing with you. Partner should be able to respect each other’s boundaries without making it into a problem.
Could be his love language is physical touch and he likes your shape its normal i do not understand woman or lady that get MAD ata man there in a relationship whit for giving em attention ...........
why is it bad fora man to say i love you i need you i wana touch you
What sort of man does not pop or pinch his wife's/woman's/girl's butt ten times a day?? Not sure if it's "normal", but of this I'm sure: it's desirable! 😏
@helenS I always love your balance Perhaps she has the wrong man, or he has the wrong woman. Certainly there needs to be a fit which clearly is not there.
I don’t know if there is a “normal” amount of times. I’d would just say appreciate the attention you are getting from your husband if he is pinching your butt more than 4x per day and appreciate that he is pinching YOUR butt and not some other woman’s butt.