summersong · F
Forgiven, yes. Trusted again? Nope.
Budwick · 70-79, M
No. And Biden will not be the first.
TexChik · F
Actually yes . I let my ptsd take control and I was horrible to my husband for a couple months and he left me ! Then he took up with a beautiful blonde . I couldn’t blame him... I pushed him away ...but seeing that happened sobered me up quick and I fought for him and won ! He of course feels horrible about it all these years later .., but that was on me
NoGamesTolerated · F
@TexChik sad but great ending! 👍🏻
peachesncream · F
@TexChik wow, that sounds like you guys really have a deep love for eachother 🥰
TexChik · F
@peachesncream inspite of me ... we do . I have never come close to allowing things to fall apart like I did then. Both of my parents passed that year and I just didn’t handle it well
sassypants · 36-40, F
One time I forgave him and then it happened again. That's why I have trust issues.
peachesncream · F
@sassypants 😔💔
Shpiders · 22-25
I've never been faced with that situation but I doubt I'd be able to
exexec · 70-79, C
peachesncream · F
@exexec do you mind me asking why?
CanadianTraveller · 61-69, M
@exexec Me to, twice!
PoetryNEmotion · F
No. Only happened in one relationship. I could never forgive such a heinous thing. Especially when done repeatedly. If one has to cheat, then leave the relationship. Don't pretend to be part of a relationship if you are not man enough to be loyal.
Stillwaiting · M
@PoetryNEmotion .. or woman enough
PoetryNEmotion · F
@Stillwaiting True. I am just speaking from my experience.
Magenta · F
Hmm don't think I've ever been cheated on. But I believe I could, we are all tempted.
deadgerbil · 26-30
Never been in that situation, but I highly doubt I would
MistahJ · 31-35, M
It truly depends on the person and circumstances. At this stage in my life, I could see myself eventually forgiving the s/o down the line, but never trust them again.
It’s hard for some people to open up and be themselves around people, share their hardships and allow themselves to be vulnerable around an s/o and for someone to betray that trust? One fleeting moment of a crush/lust to crumble all of that? I don’t know, man. It’s just plain cruel and selfish. No coming back from that for me.
It’s hard for some people to open up and be themselves around people, share their hardships and allow themselves to be vulnerable around an s/o and for someone to betray that trust? One fleeting moment of a crush/lust to crumble all of that? I don’t know, man. It’s just plain cruel and selfish. No coming back from that for me.
Stillwaiting · M
It was headed that way and was already there emotionally. More counseling, after years of it before. Where we have always been .. I take responsibility for my part in our issues .. but not her, not to this day.
Should have left the day I found out. I'd be done with alimony soon and able to live free.
Should have left the day I found out. I'd be done with alimony soon and able to live free.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
That’s my deal breaker
That’s my deal breaker
LadyJ · F
Nope..I'm not the forgiving type
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
Yes. But I ended the relationship.
Rambler · 61-69, M
Yes but only when I didn't care any more
btchstfu · F
peachesncream · F
@btchstfu why?
Mmiker · 46-50, M
I always took the blame for cheating. I have never cheated but I understand that while cheating is terrible on the trust end there’s also a part of me that hasn’t supplied enough in our relationship that had her search elsewhere. Thankfully after two times I was more aware and conscious

Not really
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
I learned a hard lesson from it all about why it’s important to forgive.. truly forgive.. because I didn’t the first time around..
peachesncream · F
@AuRevoir what brought you the change of heart? 🤔
AuRevoir · 36-40, M
@peachesncream nothing brought it.. I just had said I had forgiven without realizing that I hadn’t.. that I never even processed the information properly.. I ended up having things eat away at me and cause me to hurt everyone..
It still haunts me at times..
It still haunts me at times..
Iwillwait · M
Yes, and it was the start of a series of more cheating.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
the occasion has never arisen, as far as i am aware... though i am pretty sure that i would not forgive.
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
Yes, because I knew we could make it work and we had young children.
Reflection2 · M
Nope and this relationship chapter is closed for me, forever.
dale74 · M
kind of but never fully trusted them again
peachesncream · F
@dale74 that would be the hardest part depending on how they cheat. Trusting. If it was a heat of the moment drunk hook up it would be easier to forgive than if they're having a affair.
CanadianTraveller · 61-69, M
Yes I did: once then again, but not the third time.
KA9ha · 31-35, M
i may forgive at that time,,,but never trust him again from my heart..
olderuncle944 · 70-79, M
yes several times then it wasent worth it
DrSunnyTheSkeptic · 26-30, M
I wouldn't if it ever happened to me.
HopelessGuy · M
In relationships?
I never had one.
I never had one.
No... I'm very lucky.... no one has cheated on me....
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Yeah. Not very important.
Niburu · 56-60, M
I got divorced, so no

No. I dont like sloppy seconds. 😖
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
Yes I have
FreeSpirit1 · F
After I banged his brother I forgave him 🤣
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peachesncream · F
@FreeSpirit1 hahaha omg
Isthisit · F
My boyfriend left me after a fight we had and was away for like maybe three weeks - he ended up coming back to me but told me that he slept with his ex when we were apart. I forgave him. Am I stupid or what? Maybe it's not cheating if we were 'having a break'?....

Forgive them? Sure. I wouldn't have anything to do with them after tho.
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".
"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me".
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