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I Hate Cheaters

with a passion!! the fact that u don’t respect ur partner enough to let them know u are either emotionally or physically done with the relationship is so wrong!! don’t go hurting other people bc u were tempted or hurt!! obviously everyone situation is different but cheating just causes more harm and pain than being honest does
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
There are a lot of reasons people do this, but it's rarely because they've lost their love for their "regular" lover/spouse but have decided not to tell him/her. It's more like they just don't want to have to choose between them; they want both.
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
Fiancé and girlfriend of nine years... came home early from a camping trip to literally finding them fast asleep in my bed... her best friends boyfriend...
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
@newdawnnewday I did!!! She ended up marrying him and since got a divorce 🤷‍♂️
newdawnnewday · 22-25, F
@Spokeskitties75 it’s the small miracles that count
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@Spokeskitties75 That's a painful situation; I empathize. Hope you are OK now.
Fauxmyope2 · 31-35, F
Yes, it does cause pain and heartbreak. I still hurt and it has been 3.5 years.

I am sorry if this has happened to you or anybody else on SW. 🤗
Yep and if they have their little online bf or gf and think they aren't cheating, they lying to themselves.
firefall · 61-69, M
it sure does ... but most cheaters, in my observation anyway, aren't done with their relationship, just greedy and wanting more than one ...
newdawnnewday · 22-25, F
@firefall I can see that its so disgusting
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
I need to know: Is it OK for a man to have a female friend (to talk to and share similar interests) who is not his wife/girlfriend? Is that cheating?
newdawnnewday · 22-25, F
@JollyRoger but obviously it depends on every relationship and it’s best to keep open communication with ur SO and if they are uncomfortable with it then it is up to you to decide whether you want to continue the relationship with someone who does not want u to be friends with that female friend. it’s also up to the female friend to know not to cross boundaries. it all comes down to respect and trust in the relationship there is not straight answer unfortunately. my opinion is if i trust my SO then having that friend should not be a problem unless i see something that would make it an issue.
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@newdawnnewday Thank you. I feel the same way. But society seems to frown on it by 'sexualizing' it when it's not. In our social group of retired people who all had similar careers, we have the guys dying off before their wives. But, we are not all friends - we just associate through the idea of the past career being the common bond. So, some of these women are suddenly left out of the 'loop' and it is unfair (as I see it) to just ignore them. There are other men who would visit (as past friends of their husbands) but they too are wary of the stigma of being seen with a 'lonely widow' - It's absurd but it happens and it's the perception, not the fact of 'something going on' that is allowing it to happen.
newdawnnewday · 22-25, F
@JollyRoger it’s so saddening to think about it. it still happens in my culture and friend group where me just being alone with a guy causes gossip in my family because everyone is so hyper focused on man and women vs two people just hanging out. it’s so annoying and it’s worst as a woman bc i’m supposed to be pure and typically the men will not get talked about. it’s so barbaric and just completely negates the fact that i can have a conversation with a guy without having any illicit reason other than to talk. i can’t help but imagine the amount of missed connections and friendships i have bc of people sexualizing the friendship smh. ur friends should have nothing to worry about and should be able to have some human connection without others talking bad about it.
Atlotto · M
So do I...That's why I divorced her ass.
newdawnnewday · 22-25, F
@Atlotto there ya go!! haha
Atlotto · M

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