Sex and intellectual discussion
I’m hooking up with my fwb Christine this week and while the hooking up is fun and all, I quite like how we’re both able to just have a nice chat afterwards too. Even if we’re both still naked together in bed just resting up for another round, lol. Seriously though, while we may share little in common apart from the obvious, we’re also able to have deep, pleasant conversations on personal topics like our insecurities and other personal struggles, our work, life in general, etc. Stuff that evokes deep thinking. She’s smart and mature enough to discuss those things seriously, despite our relationship dynamics. I really appreciate that about Christine. I’d tell her this, but I don’t want to get all sentimental on her. No reason for that, lol. The main reason we see each other is because we like having sex, after all. I just had to point that out. 😌