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What have I done that I deserve this?

My boyfriend of 4 years relationship broke up with me a month ago. It is due to some trust issues we had over the years. Recent one being I found out that he has been flirting with a colleague and they have been going out behind my back. When I confronted him about it, he denied and said they did hang out and he purposely hide it from me so that it will not become a big issue. He said they are just hanging out and it was nothing more than that.

I let it go that time and think about the bigger picture of us being together but some small incidents and issue sparked another argument and in the end he decided to call it an end to the relationship.

Days after we are both calm, he said let's just temporary give each other a break until "I" find a solution on how to resolve my trust issues. I took a week to get back to him with a solution as I really did not want to lose him. By then he told me he is confused about what he wants. I asked if he still love me, he said he is not sure anymore and he needed some time to sort out what he's thinking and feeling.

A month passed, in between I tried asking for his answer about getting back together and was rejected twice. He got upset each time I ask him and said I'm not giving him enough time. Weeks down the road he became colder towards me. He no longer asked about my well being or send me morning regards messages.

He did make me confuse when he still want to hangout sometimes for meals and drinks together. We just sit down and chat like old friends. I do not dare to ask him about his decision again as at least now we can sit down and talk to each other, better than being separated. There are days he will be super cold and totally ignore me and there are days he just want to hangout with me. I am very confused.

Initially I thought I'll wait it out maybe he'll come back. The more I think about it, he is the one flirting and hiding things from me. Why is it now that he is the one that gets to end the relationship and at the same time giving me all these shitty cold treatment? Why do I deserve this? Just because I love him (probably more than he love me) that I will have to endure this? How long more do I have to endure and wait? Is it because he knows I love him he can treat me like shit?
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Peaceful · F
it isn't a matter of what you deserve, it's what you've allowed because you love him more than you love yourself.

I know this may be difficult to hear, but it's time for you to walk away and heal you. You deserve so much more.
@firefall: and I have to pay for all of it with a broken heart?
firefall · 61-69, M
@justacloudaway: pretty much, I'm afraid, either pay with a broken heart now, or with a broken heart and the sense of more time wasted, later :(
Jo1892 · 41-45, F
@firefall: good words I say cut off ties completely unless they have a child to them witch I'm glad I don't too him
alan20 · M
I do think he's treating you badly and showing disrespect for your feelings. It's very difficult to do but I think you need to walk away. Best of luck.
minarth008 · 61-69, M
I have to agree with what everyone else has posted so far. He is using you and taking advantage of your feelings for him. It sounds as though, you are filling in the gaps when no one else will hang out with him. You would be better off walking away now, and moving on with your life, and finding someone that truly cares about you, and wants to be with you.
abe182 · 51-55, M
I think he needs to see what's over the horizon and maybe you should too.. instead of trying to force the relationship.

You kind of sound hostile.
@Jo1892: That is very true.
abe182 · 51-55, M
@justacloudaway: he could be afraid to express his feelings and have blow back. That's why he didn't tell you in the beginning. Communication was broken down.
As for his coldness no you don't deserve that or the on/off either.
Honestly I would let him go. You can't force things.
Jo1892 · 41-45, F
I know that he's moved on if he has I'd like to not hear from him ever agin Pablo don't want him back ever I'd just like it if he keeps away from my son who is not his dad btw so he has no rights to him or upsetting him I'll call it a day no problem there
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Goralski · 56-60, M
Get on with life don't wait for nobody
@Goralski: Years of memories together. We were so in love. I just didn't thought that something will just come in between us like this and end everything.
Goralski · 56-60, M
@justacloudaway: its a shame
chocolatewhatsoever · 26-30, F
Wow 4 years and he's hiding something from you?! I don't think that he's serious about you. It's better to walk away now than to tolerate nonsense.
katielass · F
I'm not confused, get rid of him and move on.
@katielass: So many years of memories and promises of life together... Even going through the things he hide from me, I still wanted him. At least I tried to make him come back but he just pushed me away and said he needed more time. I'm so ashame of myself.
katielass · F
@justacloudaway: Don't be ashamed for having feelings. It makes you human. But you deserve someone who isn't playing games and is with you because he really wants to be with you. I suspect its not as much love you feel as familiarity. It's difficult to make changes but you will learn and probably be much better off if you resolve to get over him and just move forward.
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
My girlfriend knows I have women friends. She has met most of them. Still, I do not mention every time I grab a lunch with one of them. Some cannot handle opposite-sex friends....which is fine. Sounds like better communication is needed.
@uncalled4: We tried communicating in previous incidents but it just didn't work out. He calls me overthinking and not trusting. How can I trust when I saw messages of them flirting?
Jo1892 · 41-45, F
@uncalled that sounds like my ex he's a loud friends of the opposite sex but not me he can fuck any man or woman he wants and he dose like both
Jo1892 · 41-45, F
But if us women do that they have the right to call us SLAGS sorry men are as bad if not more manipulation behind them

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