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If you were cheated on, what would upset you the most about it? Would you be upset? Do you think that cheating is forgivable?

iQuit · F
Forgivable sure...Forgettable- HELL to the no

1 What would upset me most is that it happened...
Like damn, if you want to wander off with someone else- let me know so we can end this...and THEN get your groove on

2 100% I'd be angry.... Just cause- Do on to others as you'd like done on to you- and If I was COMPLETELY honest and loyal, I'd expect the same respect from someone who supposedly LOVED me
argav83 · 36-40, M
I would ask her if she doesn't want to be together anymore. I guess if there is no love then she should move on. Everyone makes mistakes so it's forgivable to some extent.
The fact that someone else could make her so hot but I could not
FloorGenAdm · 51-55, M
The game is rigged anyway.
caccoon · 36-40
Yes I would be upset, and I would be because I'd feel I was not good enough.
tallpowerhouseblonde · 36-40, F
I resolved this by having an open relationship.But other guys have cheated on their partners by having sex with me.
Beelzebub · F
Not feeling like i was enough was what hurt the most and yeah i forgave him but it still haunts me
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
It is different person to person. But I was cheated on and it broke my heart, I tried to make it work but it couldn't. The trust was gone and I finally could see how little they really respected me. Once you feel that person doesn't respect you and what you want together it can be near impossible to remain together.
@Mrsbetweenfatandfit most definitely the best answer
It’s not about trust. It’s about boundaries and sometimes when they’re crossed it’s just over. That’s the way it is. @Mrsbetweenfatandfit
Mrsbetweenfatandfit · 26-30, F
@Spoiledbrat but you trust them not to do those things so then if they cross boundaries your trust feels crazy
The fact that I trusted wrong people and that, why I was so naive and lost sense of self respect.
It would take me awhile but they would be eventually forgiven
How do you know what you would do? Every situation is different.@SW-User
I tried to forgive but couldnt get passed it all trust was lost and we split up.
Bastard · 26-30, M
I'd destroy everything they love.
funraveled · F
@Bastard: ?
You need to grow the fuck up. You don’t fucking own anyone.@Bastard
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rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
I have I was and I was willing
The dishonesty and breaking of trust would upset me most, because I don't trust easily. And yes, I'd be upset---I've never cheated on anyone---I've left first. Whether or not I could forgive would depend on several variables, starting with the trust being reparable or not.

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