AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
It feels like that same bed that was once perfect and cosy for so long is suddenly very big and empty, and when wake from a dream about the one you love then you reach out to touch them and they aren't there.. It's an awful feeling
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AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@tiffanyandasaltshaker: Mames?
hipstercatlover · 26-30, F
literally me last night
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@hipstercatlover: Bless you, I know that feeling, it does get a little easier I promise
meJess · F
Been sleeping with the same blonde every night for 5 years :)
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
@meJess: I was talking about the other kind of "sleeping with"
meJess · F
AlphaPuppy · 26-30, M
My point exactly
Sacron22 · 56-60, M
Disagree. I like sleeping alone, most of the time.

I like sleeping alone better. I'm not hitting anybody in my sleep.
BlueRaine · 51-55, F
I wouldn't know. Lmao

Huh? I sleep like a baby. 😉
Danez · M
are you really talking about sleep sleeping or do you mean like the "Netflix and chill" sleeping?
hipstercatlover · 26-30, F
like sleep sleeping
Danez · M
@hipstercatlover: ahhhh well in that case... sleep sleeping with someone is nice sometimes if they are good snugglers. But if they are bed and blanket hogs then I don't miss them when they're gone
Shytoshow · 61-69, M
So true i ended up buying 7 pillows now no matter which way i move or roll in bed something soft 2 hold on too lol honestly though
mistermister · M
Yes it does not fun sleeping alone especially when you loose the one you love...
Xena1234 · 51-55, F
I like sleeping alone. I don't have to fight for the covers, or listen to snoring.
Marcette88 · 36-40, F
Depends on the person you were with
Thanks for the heads up.
Firespirit · 26-30, M
Feels fine to me
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
Only for a time.
SuicideScout · 36-40, M
No it dosent