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Existentior · M
coward.exe | 100% CPU
Meisje · 31-35, F
Lots of crying on his end. It wasn't nasty, but it took him years to get over it.
Existentior · M
That's because you are so beautiful, to hiiiiiiim, can't you seeeeeeee, woah ohhhh?
I left
It was a slow, painful death
NotHereForYou · 31-35, F
My brothers didn't beat his ass so I'd say it went
Paschar · 70-79, M
My Ex Wife turned out to be a two timing Hoe but I got lucky " She died of a massive stroke " Less child support that way .
Existentior · M
It was neither amicable nor nasty but frigid as fuck. She just took her shit, walked out the door and that was that. No words almost, just a "bye", not even a glance back. Very cold.