LadyGrace · 70-79
After four years...."You never was my sweetheart. You just thought you were." That man lost a good woman. 😂

My ex husband told me he cheated on me because he didn't respect me.
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LadyGrace · 70-79
Sounds like he ate too many paint chips as a kid. @TheCaterpillar:

Lol he just was an entitled brat an addict that liked to blame others for his issues.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@TheCaterpillar: Yes. Very immature and irresponsible.
katielass · F
I've managed to part of friendly terms. No negative comments.
HaHLoBravado · 36-40, M
..take her bro, she a bird anyway.. 😄
HaHLoBravado · 36-40, M
Well, at that point he was her ex and she was cheating..

@HollowBravado: and she's a bird too. Lol. A cockatoo I'm guessing. :)
HaHLoBravado · 36-40, M
😂 very clever!

don't ever leave me

"I have cancer and it's your fault"
p.s he lied about the cancer
p.s he lied about the cancer
wow you dodge a bullet with that one. 💩
Beige22 · 26-30, F
Ouch 😕 the worst thing I've ever been told was if u ever get pregnant I'll tell u to get an abortion I dumped him a day later

@Beige22: Ive heard that from a few
PaleandPolluted · 36-40, F
To be honest you're not the hottest woman in the world are you?
God your body's lobsided.
Me: I'm a sex goddess
Boyfriend: HAHAH i love that kind of humour
Me: do think i could be a pornstar?
Boyfriend: sniggers followed by mm (not sure what that means)
Asked again... he took too long to answer that i was attractive..
Me: you told me you tossed off to a fully clothed pic
Boyfriend: wishful thinking
Me: what do you like about me physically
(Boyfriend has to think.. recycles old crap)
I didn't want to delete my porn because i knew you'd be shit.
God your body's lobsided.
Me: I'm a sex goddess
Boyfriend: HAHAH i love that kind of humour
Me: do think i could be a pornstar?
Boyfriend: sniggers followed by mm (not sure what that means)
Asked again... he took too long to answer that i was attractive..
Me: you told me you tossed off to a fully clothed pic
Boyfriend: wishful thinking
Me: what do you like about me physically
(Boyfriend has to think.. recycles old crap)
I didn't want to delete my porn because i knew you'd be shit.
Beige22 · 26-30, F
He sounds like an insecure jerk
cycleman · 61-69, M
"have fun f*cking the beached whale"
LadyGrace · 70-79
Ewww...that's mean.

"You are a dumb bitch." Lol. That did not end well for him. I was like 20.
LadyGrace · 70-79
Brains aren't everything, and in his case, they're nothing.

@GraceFromEP: Yes. Plus, I'm a chemist and he's a mechanic. I wasn't a chemist when I was 20, but it's funny how things turned out. :)
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SarcasmQueen: Things have a way of ironing out. That is something to be very proud of. Congratulations! You're a smart woman. 👍