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I will promise myself never fall again for an uk girl

They always break your heart or at least they have a very high probability to do so 😆💔.
Transformedandevolved · 26-30, M
Why do we fall? To pick ourselves up.
- Thomas Wayne? Alfred? Well, who cares.
notjustarandomgirl · 26-30, F
you've had a fair share I assume?
I dont wanna brag but not even a bit 😅 :)
I didn't know a persons nationality determined their ability to break hearts.
Its just my experience so far with them :p .
Footballstar · 26-30, M
That's what I thought too
@Boysome: 👀@Soccerstar: 👀
Those damn Brits
Footballstar · 26-30, M
I know I got that. I didn't take it seriously just thought I'd be cheeky and correct you. Be a jersey in return if you will
@Soccerstar: be a jersey? That makes no sense lol
Footballstar · 26-30, M
Goddamit auto correct meant Jerk :)
floatingintheocean · 36-40, F
What will you try next then?
Something that will not break my heart hopefully 😅.
floatingintheocean · 36-40, F
You'll do well because now you're not naive. Good luck!
Anybody from anywhere can break your heart; it's the individual.There are way too many women in the U.K. happily coupled for that generalization.

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