Sojournersoul · M
Are you sure you bought that? 😂😂😂😂😂. See you are rolling up in the jeep, not a busted up vehicle.
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Sojournersoul If I depended on a guy to buy my every meal I’d starve to death
Sojournersoul · M
@Lexiitexii I know. $10 was a good deal for all that food too.
maskedbandit · 61-69, M
It looks good! Feast, my dear, feast. 😂
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@maskedbandit 😂😂😂😂😂 Suppa was pleasant
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Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Justice4All so because I don’t want your money I’m now extravagant? What gold digger turns down money ?
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Justice4All I use the app everyday when I stop for my coffee or my milkshakes. I can like what I like I manage to afford enough for my self. Like I said if I waited or depended for a man to buy my every meal I would starve.
SatyrService · M
it is indeed an awful thing
it is one of our greatest failures.
Food seems very nice! eating n your car? you co workers be jealous
Keeping the American work until I’m 💀 culture alive
it is one of our greatest failures.
Food seems very nice! eating n your car? you co workers be jealous
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@SatyrService I don’t have coworkers I’m independent contractor p
SatyrService · M
@Lexiitexii me too, so I am the one decides how much I work. Self Employed is a great choice, if you got it
what field? unless that is Too Rude, tho I network across many industries!
what field? unless that is Too Rude, tho I network across many industries!
Teslin · M
Tough crowd ??
Lexiitexii · 31-35, F
@Teslin Yeah they want me to be miserable and no one is allowed to send me gifts, or help deff not hunger games.
Teslin · M
@Lexiitexii Stand tough !!
Quimliqer · 70-79, M
No pressure!!
Zonuss · 46-50, M
Stock up on bread, rice, chicken, flour, and canned goods.
OogieBoogie · F
@Zonuss I suggested something like this too.
Hopefully You feel better soon