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I know this person has a personality disorder, but which one is it?

I met this girl online, she asked me after two conversations if I want to be best friends with her. It caught be off guard that a 36 year old woman is asking me if we can be best friends after only talking on the phone once. I’m also going through a difficult time and she immediately offered to help me although I should be flattered, I also see it as a red flag. If I was a bad person I could take advantage but I don’t. My mom is a narcissist who pretended to care and had me travel to another state just to tell me I couldn’t live with her after saying I could. I know I have mommy issues so I’m naturally skeptical of women who are nice to me or overly nice. It’s the ones with those sweet sounding voices and they cling to you quickly that tend to have something up their sleeve. Maybe it’s just me ? I want to meet normal people but I keep meeting these weirdos that want to be best friends In 2 days, want to take all my time and space and text or call me all day. I would know because I met two people off the peanut app and 1 calls me every hour and questions me when I don’t pick up the phone or have other plans. I set my boundaries of course but she didn’t like it. Then the other is really sweet to the point it’s kinda creepy and she said I can live with her, offers me money on cash app and ask me to be her bestfriend in 2 days. I can’t make this up and it’s making me realise this country has a serious mental health crisis.
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vanquishedfoe · 26-30, M
You are right to be wary of people who become too attached too quickly. That is not a sign of a healthy and well balanced person. What seems like a kind gesture can actually just be a trap. They are handcuffing you.
LadyGrace · 70-79
She could be a really nice person who just may be lonely or insecure, but what threw me, was this offering you money on cash app. That's a big red flag. I would be very leery of this person and I would probably immediately block all contact with her because of that reason. Something just doesn't sound right.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
I don't know if it's pd but it sounds like a nightmare for anyone who is as distrustful as me.
firefall · 61-69, M
Yeah, thats really creepy, and it doesnt really matter which disorder she has, why would you want to accept that into your life. i like people and like to be helpful, but I wouldn't crawl into someones lap like that, it's so obviously going to have a big price at some point.

And yes, lots of people are wandering around without supervision or treatment, that definitely need it.
cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I met a woman about 35 years ago and we became friends. But she was so damn possessive that she would drop in to my apartment and try to get me to go places with her every day even when I was tired. She was relentless and I had to put an end to it. I don’t like people being possessive with my time, I had a full-time job and a child to care for and I needed my rest. It was either be best friends or nothing with her. She got offended when I told her I needed time to myself and never came around again. I ended up with a kidney infection before that and knew it was time to put a stop to it.
Teslin · M
BF's in 2 days is definitely strange.
But, give her a chance. She may become a real friend eventually.
One never knows.
Be safe and smart though !!!
Anton · 61-69, M
When ever a girl start a conversation with me online (given my total lack of appeal and charm) I immediately suspect it's the FBI, or the CIA or some aggrieved ex and reboot my computer, starting it up on a memory stick, switch to TOR and communicate via VPN...
The cable guy
uncalled4 · 56-60, M
Who cares what it is? It's more flags than the UN building, so get out. Sadly, we don't get bonuses for nailing a diagnosis.

I call BPD. lol.
thenormalkindofcrazy · 31-35, M
Being that clingy that fast is definitely a red flag. I wouldn't take anyone up on an offer to move in right away, even if they try to pay you/buy you.
It can be tough to make friends these days.
Maybe she is genuinely insecure
I totally hate that, too.

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